The Annual Family Photos Should Be a Family Thing

Annual Family Photos

The endless to-do lists and busy schedules are enough to discourage anyone to even remember having their family portraits taken. In fact, you can come up with million reasons not to do it: the kids are too young, the kids are too busy, you have to do the groceries, and more.

Brushing off the annual family photo is understandable, especially if there are more pressing issues to address. But doing so may lead you to forget why it’s important in the first place.

The years are passing faster than you think. Before you know it, the kids are grown up and have families of their own. Every moment you have together as a family is priceless. Living in the era of smartphones and tablets, it’s easy to capture every occasion. But there’s something personal and more special with a family portrait.

Document Growth But Keep Them Young

Sometimes, parents are too busy building their futures that the past and the present rushes by them. Before they know it, the kids are all grown up. Gone are the nights of endless crying and diapers. In the blink of an eye, they’re going to college and getting married.

No parent wants to miss the precious moments of their little ones. Before they grow up, might as well document each moment.

While the kids are still young, have a family portrait done each year to, not only keep them little, but also document the progress of their growth. Seeing how much they’ve grown since diaper days is heartwarming and can lighten up a dreary mood in the future. After all, looking back on past styles and trends can provide a good laugh in the years to come.

Celebrate Milestones

Celebrate MilestonesThroughout your life, you and the family will make many achievements. Be it a graduation or someone’s first year in kindergarten, you will never run out of things to celebrate. What better way to immortalize such exciting events than through high-quality photography?

No milestone is too big or too small for a photo. If you just received a new promotion or welcomed a new pet into your lives, a photograph of your family celebrating or bonding together offers good memories that are for keeps.

High-Quality Photos Last a Lifetime

In a world of selfie sticks, Instagram, and SnapChat, only a few people consider having their photos taken professionally.  While a cool filter will make your selfie look good, it is nothing compared to themed photoshoots by professional photographers.

Professional photographers know more about proper lighting, posing, and editing. They also produce high-quality photos that are worth displaying around the house. Working with a professional is a good investment, especially since you are investing in photos that last a lifetime.

Frustration For Not Being in the Shots

It happens: family takes photos and you’re not even there. Living in the age of mobile phones, you can take a picture anytime and anywhere with anyone.

If you’re the type who wants everyone complete for a photo, scheduling a portrait session is a great idea. You can turn it into a family affair and make sure everyone’s there.

Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than NeverYou never know when the last chance for a family photo will be. Life can be unexpected: before you know it, someone is no longer around for the family portrait.

Take advantage of the time you have together. If you have been thinking about having a family portrait taken, do it now. Do it before the kids grow up or when someone passes away unexpectedly. Professionals know how to stage a photoshoot that will capture the current essence of your family.

A family portrait is one of the best ways to keep memories alive. So, how do you prepare for one?

Best Session Ever: How You Can Make It Happen

Plan the Location and Time Wisely

Nobody wants to pose under the scorching sun or in the freezing cold. Schedule your portrait session around the season. If you’re planning for a Winter Wonderland-themed shoot, time your portrait on a weekend to make sure everyone is present. In the summer, schedule your shoot during the sunrise or sunset to avoid the heat of the day.

Since you can’t control the weather, have a Plan B ready: change locations.

Look for a location that is beautiful no matter what the season is. It could be at home, a covered location, or an area that has both an indoor or outdoor area (e.g., front porch or gazebo) for more shooting options.

Bring the Right Clothes

photoshoot’s themeYour photoshoot’s theme determine the attire of the day. Once you decide on a theme, start planning the clothes.

If you’re shooting for a holiday portrait, scroll through Pinterest suggestions for a Christmas shoot. Usually, families wear festive attires in colors of red, green, and white. Think about the theme first before you decide on the color and the type of clothes.

Remember: everyone should match or at least follow the theme or color pattern. Send out a sample so that the rest of the family can follow it. That way, no one will stick out like a sore thumb (unless, that is the intention of shoot).

Also, it’s always a good idea to bring a backup outfit, especially for the kids. You never know when someone will spill their milk or juice.

Prepare the Children

Prepare the ChildrenPhotographers have experience in prepping the kids for the shoot, but it’s the parents’ responsibility to have them cooperate.

Treat the shoot as a fun event they can look forward to. For the younger kids, let them know they can play pretend or practice their poses. Also, children should arrive with full bellies. Hungry children can be fussy during the shoot. The same applies to kids who are sleep-deprived. Make sure they’ve had their full naps before the pictorial.

Relax and Have Fun

This photoshoot is all about you and the family. No one has to be a professional model for it. Instead, just relax and enjoy. Trust the photographer to capture your family’s authentic personality. Act natural and leave the rest to the professional’s hands.

Family is one of the best gifts life has to offer. Immortalize memories with the #fambam by having a photo session with them.

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