Fitness Habits You Should Start Practicing Daily

woman doing yoga by the shore

If you’ve recently been getting into fitness or you’re getting back on track, you may find it easy on some days and not so much on others. Building a solid fitness routine that you’re going to stick to doesn’t come easy. It’s a journey that needs to be built and developed to your preferences, so the journey will be enjoyable. The more enjoyable it is the more you can do it long term.

There’s no recipe for building a routine. Everyone went through the trial and error stage, but here are 7 tips that could help you out in building a fitness habit that’s going to stick with you in the long run.

1. Plan Your Workout 

When a plan is laid out in front of you, you’re more likely to push through with it because you know what needs to be done. You no longer need to spend time and mental energy deciding what routine you’re going to do for that day.

Try scheduling a workout just like you would a work appointment. Whether you’re planning to do a 14-day squat-challenge, a morning walk, or jog three times a week, write it on your schedule and let everyone know that those times are already booked.

Give your exercise or workout schedules the same treatment you would any work-related tasks.

2. Short Workouts Count

Every kind of workout counts. Whether it’s 5 minutes, or 2-hours, they’re both useful and helpful in their own way. Also, short bouts of exercise throughout the day can have the same benefits as workouts that last for longer periods of time.

A study by the American Journal of Health Promotion revealed that short bursts of moderate workout can add up to something big. Even 5 minutes of brisk walking can have a noticeable effect when done regularly.

There are many 4-5 minute workout routines that you can watch on YouTube for free. You can try this 5-minute standing flat-belly workout by Popsugar Fitness, or this 5-minute cardio hit by Group Hit.

3. Know the Basics

In order to develop a workout habit that lasts, it’s best not to make things complicated. Focusing on the fundamental movements like squats, lunges, pushups, planks, and moves like downward dog, can get you plenty of effective workout sessions.

fitness at home

4. Enjoy Your Workouts

Choose exercises that you enjoy and that you’re comfortable doing. You’ll be more inspired and motivated to do an activity if it’s something that excites you. If you love the beach, then maybe swimming is a great workout for you. If you prefer the trees and fresh air, then biking might be a great option. Pick workouts that get you excited or that you look forward to doing as you’re more likely to allot time out of your day for it.

5. Fuel Up Before any Workout

Make it a habit to eat a light healthy snack before working out. Most people don’t eat before exercising as they intend to lose weight that way.  While exercising fasted won’t harm performance when doing short routines, it may affect productivity of those who are planning to exercise for longer periods of time. Just to be sure, always have a small healthy meal before doing any prolonged exercise routine.

6. Keep Going

Once you develop a routine, Just as you’d never stop eating healthy once you find that you already have a healthy body or stop using an anti hairfall shampoo or anti dandruff shampoo once you find that your hair’s fine, exercising works the same way. If you quit, your body will experience significant changes. Your muscles will become smaller and weaker, you could be at a higher risk of high blood pressure, obesity, or depression.

Like you’ve read earlier, even a 5-minute workout is considered a workout, so even if you’re feeling under the weather, or you don’t feel like exercising at all, just go out for a quick 5-minute walk just to stick to your commitment. It’s okay to miss a day or two, just make sure to come back as soon as you can.

Every journey Begins with a Single Step

When it comes to building a routine, you have to go at your own pace and listen to what your body needs. It’s not a race, but more on a personal journey. It will take time and like any habit, you have to get used to the idea, then the action.

Track and document your progress. Don’t hesitate to try new things, and if there’s something that you don’t feel comfortable doing, scrap it and look for an alternative that you enjoy. There are many indoor and outdoor activities that you can try to get you in the mood to exercise,  you just have to get out there and experiment. Every work you put into building your fitness habits is going to be worth it for a healthier and happier lifestyle that’s going to last you for life.

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