Stand Out: Three Principles When Branding Your Event

Open Air concert

One crucial question you need to answer when planning a corporate event is this: what will make yours distinct from the rest? The uniqueness of your event should be your priority because it will dictate how memorable the gathering will be to attendees.

A lot of the details you pay attention to, from the venue to the food and entertainment, actually do little in making your event unique—unless you inject them with the element that makes you distinct: your brand. So, if you want to be remembered for years, follow these timeless principles when branding your event.

Go back to your core.

Identify your exact brand identity before going into the event details. This should be easy if you’ve solidified your organization’s persona already. More or less, you have the key elements that will be the basis of everything in your event: the logo, corporate colors, imagery and philosophy.

If you’re just starting out in the business, get these elements in order. Gather your team and brainstorm. You can also call in the help of a branding agency to facilitate discussions in your group. They should influence every minute decision you’d make, from theme and venue style to food and corporate gifts. At this initial stage of planning, partner already with an event coordinator in Utah. They can talk to possible suppliers who suit your budget and preferences.

Choose a catchy name.

The name of your event will be written all over your promotional materials. It will be on everyone’s lips when they talk about it. It will be the very thing people will say years later when they try to remember your event. So, the name should be influenced by your branding. It shouldn’t just capture what the gathering is all about, but it must also encapsulate what your organization stands for.

Take for example the catchy “TED Talk.” The name stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design Talk. The name gives an idea what the event is about, and at the same time, aligns with the organization’s mission, which is to spread ideas. One good rule to keep in mind when brainstorming event names is to keep it short and simple.

Style your venue.

Tables, chairs, decor, and decorations at an outdoor venueThe look of your venue should also reflect your brand. The best way to plan this is to do a walkthrough of your actual location. Start with the entrance. Ask yourself, what’s a good focal point that will highlight your corporate branding? Is it a big hologram of your product? Is it an installation art of your brand philosophy? Go back to the imagery and voice of your brand so you can tie it in in the focal point of your entrance.

From there, move to the next thing you’ll see once you get inside, most likely the audience area. Ask yourself, what’s the best way to add touches of branding on people’s tables and chairs? Flowers and jars of crystals as centerpieces? LED lights on cocktail tables? Fruits and snacks with logo carvings?

And then finally, plan for the look of your stage. This is a lot more complicated than the rest of the areas of the venue, so consult event production experts in styling this up.

A corporate event stands out from the rest and makes a home in everyone’s memory when it hinges on the one element that makes it unique: the brand. Reflect on your organization’s identity to drive your event to success.

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