Bringing Nature In: How to Have Natural Elements in Your Home

indoor plants

The chance to bring nature into one’s household has been the ambition of many homeowners striving to accomplish—for years. For generations, people love the natural and organic appeal of elements that can make anyone feel calmer, at peace, and welcomed. In recent years, the growing awareness of natural resources’ fast dwindling has made it clearer that bringing natural elements into homes is essential as it is a design aesthetic.

Let Mother Nature become your interior decorator and appreciate the beauty of your natural surroundings indoors with the following tips.

Natural Light

One of the simplest and most affordable ways of adding natural elements inside your home is by encouraging natural light to come inside. Natural light can make any room more ‘alive.’ making colors pop in your furnishings and wall decorations. However, if you want to control the amount of light going on in your home, investing in custom window treatments and accessories is an excellent way to do just that.

More Ventilation

The air you breathe is vital to optimal well-being. That’s why homes need to provide plenty of fresh air, which you can achieve through proper ventilation. There are several ways you can provide ventilation inside the house aside from traditional windows and HVAC systems. For instance, using wicker and bamboo furnishings can encourage good airflow inside your home thanks to their natural ‘airy’ construction and low heat retention.

You can also add more ventilation indoors by installing wind or air deflectors. You can position these either vertically or horizontally throughout your household, redirecting airflow. Additionally, transitional spaces such as courts and balconies can encourage more airflow.

Add a Vegetable or Herb Garden

While growing a vegetable garden indoors may sound intimidating, it’s a doable task. You can grow anywhere from spinach to tomatoes indoors in simple soil in pots. The best part is, you can grow these vegetables using standard shop lights and no other ‘special’ tools.

If you’re not too keen on growing a vegetable garden, you can try growing a herb garden. This type of garden is perhaps the easiest you can do indoors, and it’s an excellent choice among individuals who love to cook. You can bring your cooking skills to the next level by adding freshly grown herbs to your recipes. You can create a herb garden using bolted baskets or wooden crates. Just make sure you place them in a place with plenty of sunlight.

Indoor Plants

indoor plants

Although artificial plants can add vibrancy to any home, they can make the interior feel ‘stuffy’ rather than the relaxing and airy atmosphere that real-life plans provide. Fortunately, nowadays, nature is finding its way into more interior designs in the form of a real and natural state—ranging from flowers to potted plants. These can easily add ‘natural’ appeal to any space. However, taking care of real plants can be challenging.

Luckily, even those without a ‘green’ thumb can take care of plants with ease. That’s because succulents are here to save the day. These plants are easy to take care of and have become one of the most popular plants among homeowners.

Water Features

There’s nothing more natural than rushing clear waters. So, if you’re looking to add something ‘different’ from traditional indoor plants and gardens, adding a water feature is an excellent choice. One of the best water features you can add to your home to make it feel more ‘natural’ and impress your guests at the same time is adding slate water walls throughout the space. It resembles small waterfalls, allowing you to bask in the sounds of running water.

Another water feature you can add indoors is adding a ‘fountain’ feature in your bathroom or tabletops—providing a gorgeous and calming focal piece.


Another creative way to incorporate a water feature in your home while adding more ‘life’ to your space is by adding an aquarium or two in your decoration. Besides acting as a ‘natural element’ and gorgeous accent in your interior space, aquariums can also provide several health benefits to the occupants—these range from lower reduced risks of developing heart disease to reducing anxiety. However, the most notable one is that it’s capable of mitigating stress.

After all, it can be challenging to feel anxious when looking at a thriving and ‘alive’ home aquarium.

Not many people realize how crucial it is to be surrounded by nature and natural surroundings in general. However, more and more are starting to see its benefits to one’s physical and mental health, leading to many homeowners bringing the outdoors inside—and the strategies mentioned are some of the most popular ones to try.

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