Have you got a great website, but can’t be found on Google?

Person searching on Google

These days it does not matter if you have a great looking website that’s mobile friendly and boasts lots of other impressive features. Unless it is appearing in the first few results that Google provides it is likely that nobody will see it, and in turn not many people will be likely to see your practice either. Knowing how to get the most out of dental SEO could be what makes your practice stand out from everybody else’s, but if you know absolutely nothing about it do not panic, as you can hire a professional to take control of it for you. Getting a professional to help you means that they are likely to spot things that you have missed when it comes to why your website is not producing a good search engine result spot and they can implement them efficiently and quickly, as they are skilled at what they do, saving you both time and stress as well.

Is your practice on the map?

One thing that will ensure that your practice appears near the top of Google’s results when people are searching for a local dentist will be being present on Google Maps. This feature enables your future patients to find out lots of information about your practice in one convenient place. They will be able to see your review rating, and the higher this is the more likely someone is to choose you as their new practice. Your opening hours will be available here, as will a link to your website and a short summary about your practice. Enabling the click-to-call and click-to-find features will allow your patients to contact you conveniently and swiftly, and new patients will be more likely to call your practice over one where they have to spend time trying to find the phone number for them.

person writing a blog

Post regularly, everywhere

Another way to increase your website’s presence and position on Google’s results page is to link it to all of your social media accounts. If you wish to reach as many future patients as possible then it is important that you have accounts on several different social media platforms, as not everyone uses the same one. Different platforms can also be used in different ways to promote your practice, for example some sites will focus more on images where you can show ‘before’ and ‘after’ photographs, as well as aspects of your practice and the treatments you provide, whilst others will focus more on updates, information about treatments you offer and details about how to get in contact. Linking all of your social media pages and posts to your website will increase your website traffic, as well as gain you loyal patients. You can post a snippet from a professional blog post onto your social media pages to both advertise your blog and generate more traffic too. Posting regularly to all of your platforms will make your patients feel like they have more of a personal relationship with your practice and that you value having them as patients, but it will also help to boost your website’s position on Google’s results page and the frequency at which your different social media accounts appear in the results as well.

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