Flying with Kids: How to Plan, Prepare, and Pack


When traveling alone, it’s easy to breeze in and out of airports because you got everything down to a science. You have your passport number, carry-on luggage (filled with everything you need), and a strong mental picture of how the flight process should go.

It’s a different story when traveling with kids or the entire family. Let’s face it: it can be frustrating, exhausting, and humiliating to navigate airports with children. Instead of walking down the airport with a single carry-on bag, you have a cart filled with several pieces of luggage and children running around (or crying).

But traveling with kids can be one of the most rewarding adventures you’ll ever experience, especially if you know what to do. For instance, you’re in Singapore Changi Airport and looking for nearby hotels. A family-friendly accommodation makes a perfect place where kids can relax before the next flight.

Traveling with children is challenging since there are a lot of factors involved, and you want to make it fun and comfortable for them. To help you plan your next trip with the kids, here’s what you should do.

A successful flight involves a lot of planning

Good preparation begins as soon as you book a flight. Before flying, there are two important things you should pay attention to: the flight schedule and the seating arrangement. You have to make sure that you share the same seat with your young ones and that the flight schedule fits right into your child’s daily routine.

Booking red-eye flights is the last thing you want to happen. Red-eye flights occur at night, which last for about four to six hours. These flights can be torturous for people of all ages and are also bad for health.

Preparing for a flight can be exhausting, so you want the kids to have a complete rest on the plane. You don’t want to spark a passenger outrage because of a crying infant or raging toddler who lacks sleep. As much as possible, don’t book overnight flights with kids. If it can’t be avoided, make some adjustments.

If you have successfully steered clear of overnight flights, you still have a lot of work to accomplish regardless of the flight schedule. Work on times when kids are energetic or sleepy. For example, if they take naps after lunch, schedule the flight during their nap time. If they refuse to nap, wear them out by bringing toys and engage them in outdoor activities. By the time they reach the plane, all your kids are already sleepy.

Keep the mind and body prepared

Empty aircraft seats and windows

After you’ve booked the flight and got the best seats for the family, it’s time to get the kids prepared, especially if they’re doing this the first time. Obviously, most of the preparations involve the children, but you also need to keep your health in check to prepare yourself for the imminent stress of the trip. Accept you won’t get that much-needed rest during the flight until the end of the trip, so you have to keep everyone’s mind and body fully prepared!

You may expect to spend the entire flight cleaning, entertaining, and putting the young ones to sleep. Wait for tomorrow to begin the tour so that the children get enough rest. It may be great if you have a detailed itinerary ready so you can budget the time to explore the destinations.

Since kids tend to be very energetic and playful, don’t expect them to stay put during the whole flight. Bring a tablet containing kid-friendly games and films to divert their attention. Another smart move is to educate the kids on what to expect when traveling and proper flight etiquette.

Time to pack!

Traveling with kids means packing a lot of clothes, hygienic products, and other kid’s essentials. But before doing this, make sure you have the exact dimensions and required weight for the flight.

Gather all essentials and mostly-used items in an easy-to-carry backpack. It should contain essential documents such as passports, tickets, transport details, and itinerary. You may also include your wallet, prescription medicines, charger, and other items your child often needs. If you have a toddler with you, pack all essential infant supplies, such as wet wipes, formula milk, and feeding bottles. For young kids, bring a gadget and a pair of headphones for distraction.

Although flying isn’t the most pleasant experience for kids, it’s your job as a parent to make traveling less burdensome for them. Remember that you’ll certainly succeed in giving yourself that peace of mind in such circumstances if you stay organized. Patience is your best friend, so make sure to have more of them on your next trip with the kids.

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