Beat the Heat: Ways to Stay Cool this Summer

Summer-ready attire

The onset of summer can already be felt around the world. Temperatures are starting to heighten, and the sun’s rays are transforming from warm and friendly to bright and intense. In fact, in Largo City in Florida, the county dubbed as the sunshine capital of America, the air humidity is already 77%.

Granted, the human body needs warmth to survive. However, the summer heat tends to go beyond what the body can tolerate. According to medical experts, exposure to extremely high temperatures can lead to many conditions such as heat cramps, heat stress, heat hives, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke, the most severe among all heat-related syndromes.

To help you stay cool this coming summer, we have rounded up some useful ways to beat extreme heat and ensure safety.

Enjoy Cold Summer Treats

Unleash your creativity by making handcrafted cool snacks for the summer. By creating your treats, you can keep track of the amount of refined sugar and even incorporate healthy ingredients like fruits and nuts. Try to use sugar-free sweeteners or natural alternatives to table sugar as they often have a lower glycemic index. In addition, sugar affects your body’s response to insulin and can even influence mental cognition by causing mood swings. Keeping your head cool is hard enough in the summer but sugar-loaded snacks can make your crankiness worse.

You can try different recipes for homemade ice cream, popsicles, shaved ice treats, and festive beverages. Opt for natural whole foods for your ingredients to boost your intake of essential nutrients.

Invest in Potent UV Protection

Woman using sunscreen

Statistics show that more individuals are being diagnosed with skin cancer every year in the United States than all other types of cancers combined. According to the American Cancer Society, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation significantly increases your risk of developing most skin cancers as UV rays can cause potential damage to the skin’s cells and DNA.

Considering that sunlight is the primary source of UV rays, it’s important to enhance your skin’s protective barrier by using potent UV protection creams and lotions. The Food and Drug Administration’s requirement for the SPF level in topical sunscreens is SPF 15. However, experts assert that you invest in sunblock with a higher SPF level. Jordana Mattioli, a licensed medical aesthetician in New York City, states that SPF 30 can block 97% of UVB rays.

Increase Fluid Intake

Dehydration tends to increase risks and worsen symptoms of heat-related conditions. That is why it’s highly important that you keep yourself hydrated especially in the summer months. The Mayo Clinic recommends that adult women drink 2.7 liters of liquids per day. The recommended daily fluid intake for adult men is 3.7 liters.

Prepare Air Conditioning Systems

It’s important to prioritize the upkeep of air conditioning systems. Invest in routine AC maintenance and repair services to prolong the use of your air conditioning mechanisms and prevent higher costs for replacements and reinstallations.

There are several other ways to keep your self cool during the summer season, but these few tips should rank high in your list.


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