Common Causes of Stomach Aches in Children


When your child complains of a stomach ache, it can be hard to know what’s causing the pain. While some stomachaches are caused by serious medical conditions, many more common causes can be addressed at home. Here are a few of the most common causes of stomach aches in children and how you can alleviate them.

Stress or Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can manifest in physical symptoms like headaches and stomach aches in adults and children. If your child is experiencing a stomachache due to stress or anxiety, the best thing you can do is talk to them about their feelings and offer emotional support. Additionally, studies have shown that exercise is an effective way to reduce stress and manage anxiety. Encourage your child to try activities like running or swimming that they enjoy as a way to alleviate their symptoms.

However, if your child is still stressed out or anxious after all that, it might be best to consult with a doctor or mental health professional. They can help determine if your child is suffering from a more serious condition, such as depression or an anxiety disorder. They can also recommend treatments and coping strategies to help your child feel better.

Eating Too Fast

We all know how anxious kids can be at meal times, gobbling up their food to get outside and play. While this eating behavior may seem harmless, it could cause stomach aches for your child. Eating too fast does not give the body enough time to digest, leading to abdominal pain.

If your child complains of stomach pain after a meal, having them slow down and chew their food completely can aid digestion and help avoid further problems. Eating slowly also encourages mindful eating, allowing your child to enjoy what they’re ingesting and not just rush through a meal. This technique should eventually become a natural habit, but in the meantime, setting expectations around proper eating habits might encourage your loved one to take their time and savor each bite.


If your child experiences a stomachache, overeating could be the cause. Eating too much robs the body of its ability to digest food properly, resulting in uncomfortable digestive symptoms. Children may feel discomfort after eating large servings of unhealthy snacks or overindulging in sweets and some beverages.

The best way to prevent overeating-related stomach aches is to stick to balanced meals and healthy snack options so that children don’t fill up on empty calories or processed foods. Furthermore, limiting between-meal snacks can help keep their appetite in check and avoid further digestive issues.

Unclean Utensils

Little girl

When your child complains of a stomach ache, their diet might not be the only culprit. Unclean utensils can easily transfer bacteria from food to person, causing nausea and other severe stomach issues that could disrupt their entire day.

Always thoroughly clean silverware, plates, and even cutting boards, using hot water and soap after each use. And if you’re using a dishwasher, ensure it’s working properly and using the correct settings for your items. A faulty dishwasher won’t be able to properly clean your dishes or utensils. It could cause issues in your child’s stomach. If you think there’s something wrong with your dishwasher, contact a dishwasher installation service provider. They can diagnose and repair any issues with your dishwasher to help prevent stomach aches for your family. They can even offer tips on how to best maintain and clean your dishwasher to avoid problems in the future.

Additionally, you should heat up food thoroughly to help kill any potential bacteria that might have been transferred through those same utensils.

Gas Pains

Gas pains happen when the digestive system produces excess gas, which builds up in the intestines leading to cramps and abdominal discomfort in children and adults alike. Fortunately, these pains typically pass quickly once the gas has been expelled from the body through burping or flatulence (yes, farting).

If you believe your child is experiencing gas pains due to excessive consumption of certain foods like dairy products or cruciferous vegetables like broccoli or cabbage, then suggest avoiding these for a while until the pain subsides before reintroducing them back into their diet again one at a time if desired.

Food Allergies

Food allergies occur when consumption triggers an immune response from your body, causing inflammation throughout various parts, including your belly, resulting in painful cramps and other unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea or skin rashes, depending on severity.

If your child experiences symptoms shortly after consuming certain foods, then eliminate them from their diet temporarily while seeking professional medical advice if further assistance is needed.

Stomachaches in children are usually not caused by serious medical conditions but rather by everyday habits such as eating too fast, overeating, using unclean utensils, having food allergies, dealing with stress/anxiety, or simply having excess gas from certain types of food. As a parent, you need to recognize potential causes for your kids’ bellyaches so you can provide appropriate remedies such as talking about feelings, encouraging exercise, suggesting smaller bites and slower chewing habits, etc. Always consult with a doctor if further assistance is required.

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