How to Create a French-Inspired Garden that will be the Envy of your Neighbors

a garden being watered

The French has always been a style inspiration, whether in fashion or food. It seems that they have everything figured out.

Their gardens, however, are marvelous and deserve to get more attention. One that comes to mind is the historic Palace of Versailles, with its perfectly-manicured garden hedges. The colorful Monet Garden which has become the inspiration of some of the legendary painter’s most famous works.

The French create breath-taking gardens, and whether your style is formal or more relaxed, you can achieve a garden of French elegance with some simple tips.


Flowersgarden being watered by sprinkler

There are a number of flowers in France that have been tradition for many generations, and these include lavender, geraniums, daisies, poppies and roses. You can make a stunning French-style bouquet using these flowers or try creating your own personalized garden using just one type of flower.

Roses will remind you of the famous Palace of Versailles while lavender will give off similar vibes to the Monet Garden. The daisy is often associated with great memories and can deliver relaxing relief after a long day. If you’re looking for something more colorful, choose poppies to add some energy into your garden space.

If you prefer a more formal look, choose plants that aren’t as tall so the height of your plants don’t overshadow the rest of your garden.


When it comes to accessories for a French garden, there are countless options to pick from. Start with simple water fountains and pathways made from natural stone. Decorate the garden with classic touches such as a stone bird bath. If you want to keep your garden simple, choose something small and compact so it doesn’t take away from the beauty of your flowers.

If you have the space for a more elaborate water fountain, consider getting one that has moving water or is illuminated at night by lighting around its surface. Illuminating fountains with lighting is an excellent way to create a garden that is enchanting at night with all the twinkles and sparkles.

Outdoor Furniture

There are also many options for outdoor furniture in France, most of which may be difficult to find or expensive to purchase. If you can’t find French-style chairs or benches, you can always build your own. You can even take some existing chairs and make them look like they were made in France with the addition of some unique French-style cushions.

If you are looking for period pieces to use as outdoor furniture, consider purchasing ones that fit more into the formal or classic styles. For example, you may find period chairs and benches that are made of wrought iron or teak wood.

It’s also important to have a dining space in a garden inspired by France. The French enjoys al fresco dining. You can find several restaurants and cafes in Paris that have chairs and tables outdoors so that patrons can enjoy the scenery while they eat their meals.

It can make your garden the perfect place for your family and friends to hang out. The dining area doesn’t have to be luxurious, but it’s best to place it somewhere that gets a lot of shade. Use an umbrella to recreate that al fresco cafe look.

Arbors, Pergolas and Trellises

If you’re looking for something to create an area of seclusion in your garden, consider using beautiful French-style pergolas or arbors. These structures will give your garden a sense of classiness and will provide you with a place to take your tea and crumpets. You may even want to consider dedicating an area of the garden just for lounging.

Pergolas also look amazing when many flowers grow up them, making them more beautiful than they already are. Plus, it gives you something colorful and fragrant to surround yourself with as you read a book or watch the sunset.


Add a small walkways in between shrubs and flower gardens. It encourages wandering and creates the feeling of being a tourist in France. You can also draw people to certain areas of your garden with pathways.

Cobblestones give an old-world appeal. Meanwhile, clay brick is timeless. Talk to your local pavers and landscaping services to figure out which material will work best with your garden.

Creating a French-inspired garden is a great way to inject some elegance and sophistication into your outdoor space. By choosing the right plants, accessories and furniture, you can easily create an amazing garden that will be the envy of your neighbors. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your dream garden today!

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