A Family’s Guide to a Resiliency during the Pandemic

family having fun

As of August 16, 2021, there have been 207,173,086 confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 4,361,996 deaths reported to the World Health Organization. The pandemic has invaded our lives and continues to affect us in the following months.

Aside from its effect on our healthcare, it caused several businesses’ closure or stoppage, resulting in mass job losses. Schools cannot also continue conducting face-to-face classes pushing significant changes in today’s educational system. If your family was one of the millions of families affected worldwide, how can your family bounce back?

Health: InfectionRecovery, and Immunity

Stay home or seek medical intervention.

If you or any member of your family got infected with the virus, follow the necessary protocols. Contact the provided hotlines to determine whether you need to be rushed to the hospital or quarantine at home. Remember to stay away from other uninfected members and ask them always to do the necessary sanitation.

Regain your vitality.

You will experience fatigue and prolonged inactivity, resulting in loss of muscle strength and overall energy. It can also affect your metabolism, immune system, and function of internal organs. Thus, you have to engage in physical activity to speed up recovery. You don’t have to do heavy weightlifting where you’ll strain yourself. Just move as much as you can to ease your body back to its standard shape.

Have a healthy diet.

COVID causes appetite loss, thus losing essential nutrients in the process. Hence, try to have a protein-rich diet. Avoid a lot of salt and sugar intake. If you find yourself craving sweets, opt to eat fruits instead. Also, incorporate vegetables into your diet.

Try to relax.

Yes, a positive attitude boosts the immune system. Do relaxing things to ease your mind from focusing on your situation. A lot of people who have experienced mild symptoms were able to recover in just a few days. You can speed this up if you maintain a positive outlook about your situation. Think of it as a break where you can read books, watch movies, or listen to music.

family outdoors

Gather emotional support.

Do not be afraid to reach out and ask for emotional support. In these times, well wishes and the help of the people you love will also aid your recovery.

Care for the infected family member.

In case your family gets infected, provide the necessary support, care, food, and things you can provide to lighten their burden.

Wealth: Financial Matters and Resources

Discuss it.

If you or your spouse have been one of the employees laid off or whose company had to cease operations, you would need to be open and discuss your financial situation with the entire household. This is crucial, especially when you still have young children and teenagers who can’t help but ask for money for their wants.

Make a budget with the family.

Involve everyone in your family, so they can also understand the decision-making your family has to make during these challenging times. Categorize which are needs and which are wants. This will prevent unnecessary spending and increase your savings for the times to come.

Ask for help.

Governments and other organizations allot financial help or food packages to families. Find out whether places in your community are receiving support. Gather all the help you can get.

Start a low-cost business at home.

You can consider dropshipping, online teaching, or selling digital products. Look at what you have—skills, equipment, interests—that you can turn into a business. It would help if you were resourceful at these times.

Sell your properties.

If you have unused things sitting in your storage room, you can sell them on an online marketplace. Should you find your finances running pretty dry and the financial assistance is not enough for the succeeding months, you can also sell your house. As of July 26, 2021, the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development recorded 676,000 residential homes and a median sales price of $361,800. With that ton of money, your family can definitely start anew.

There is no doubt that the social and economic impact of COVID-19 among families is severe. What I have provided are actionable steps your family can take to bounce back health and wealth-wise. Being resilient is the key to surviving this pandemic. Thus, it is also vital to instill hope in everyone in your household, take the necessary actions, and not live in fear nor paralysis. Together, you’ll bounce back.

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