7 House Cleaning Tips for a Healthy Home

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It’s no secret that a clean home is a healthy home. But what many people don’t realize is just how vital house cleanliness is when it comes to their family’s health. One of the most important rooms in the house to keep clean is the living room because it is where we spend a lot of our time—and when it’s not clean, that can lead to a host of health problems.

Apart from the living room, there are other key areas in the home that, if left neglected, can severely impact your family’s health. Here are some house cleaning tips to help keep your entire home healthy:

Indoor Sickness Sources

A dirty house affects your family’s physical health, like skin irritations, allergies, and breathing problems. Also, a messy house can result in high-stress levels, fatigue, headaches, and unproductivity. A few critical sources of indoor pollutants can lead to sickness, often found in the living room.

  • Dust: It can come from various sources, including human skin cells, pet dander, dust mites, and pollen.
  • Smoke: Smoke from cigarettes, candles, and fireplaces can contain harmful chemicals, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and benzene.
  • Mold and mildew: These can grow on damp surfaces like walls, floors, and furniture.
  • Pest: Rodents and cockroaches can carry diseases, and their droppings can contaminate food and surfaces.
  • Combustion materials: Materials like gas stoves and fireplaces can produce carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other harmful gases.
  • Pets: Pets can carry diseases and parasites transmitted to humans. They can also be tracked in dirt, mud, and other outdoor pollutants.

Tips for a Healthy Home

You can take a few simple steps to ensure your living room is clean and safe for your family. By following these tips, you can make a big difference in your family’s health.

Keep dust under control

Dust is one of the most common indoor pollutants and can be tough to keep under control. The best way to reduce dust in your living room is to vacuum regularly with a high-quality vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. You should also dust surfaces with a damp cloth or mop to prevent dust from getting into the air.

Get rid of smoke

Smoke from cigarettes, candles, and fireplaces can harm your health. If you smoke, it’s best to do it outside. If you have a fireplace, use a glass door and keep it clean.

A family member who smokes should be informed about secondhand smoke’s dangers and encouraged to quit. Having a no-smoking policy in your home is also a good idea.

Real plants help

An easy way to reduce indoor pollution is to bring some plants into your living room. Plants help purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. They also help remove toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

Some of the best plants for reducing indoor pollution include spider plants, aloe vera, snake plants, and bamboo palms.

The bar kitchen is being thoroughly cleaned by a mother.

Prevent mold and mildew

Mold and mildew can grow on damp surfaces, keeping the house clean and dry. If you have a leaky roof or plumbing, get it fixed as soon as possible. You should also keep the humidity in your living room below 50% to prevent mold and mildew from growing by using a dehumidifier or opening windows and doors when the weather is dry.

Removing old wallpapers, carpeting, and furniture can also help to prevent mold and mildew. You might consider adding nature-themed decal wallpaper that is easy to install. This is to add that clean look to your house if you’re not a plant lover or has no time to take care of natural plants. They 

Keep pests under control

Pests like rodents and cockroaches can carry diseases, so keeping them out of your living room is essential. If you see any pest problems, make sure to call a pest control company right away. You should also regularly check for signs of pests, such as droppings or tracks.

You can also prevent pests by sealing up cracks and holes in your walls and floors. Keeping your living room clean and clutter-free will also make it less attractive to pests.

Ventilate your living room

Ventilation is important to remove harmful gases from your living room. Make sure to open windows and doors regularly to let fresh air in. You should also use fans to circulate air around the room.

If you prefer, a humidifier can also help to increase moisture in the air and make it more pleasant. You may also wish to consider installing an air purifier to assist in eliminating pollutants from the environment. This can also aid in the reduction of frequent eye discomfort, nose and throat irritation, as well as headaches and tiredness.

Check your air ducts and air filters

If you have an air conditioner or furnace, make sure to regularly check the ducts and filters. Dust and dirt can build up in these areas, causing indoor pollution. You should also regularly clean your air conditioner’s coils and change the filter every few months. Make sure to replace your air filters regularly and hire a professional to ensure your ducts are circulating fresh, clean air.

Final Thoughts

By following these tips, you can ensure your living room is clean and safe for your family. Gather your family and invest time in prioritizing your health by keeping a habit of cleaning your home together! A clean house will help you and your family stay healthy and make your home more enjoyable to live in.

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