How Not Investing In SEO Is Costing Your Dental Surgery Money

dental surgery

SEO is a great way to bring in more customers and make money. Dental SEO is a specialised form of search engine optimization that can help your dental practice rank higher on search engine results pages. This means that potential patients will be more likely to find your practice when they are looking for a dentist in their area. Great!

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is one of the most popular online marketing strategies because it works. By optimising a website for search engines, businesses can improve their site’s visibility and attract more qualified visitors. And since SEO is a cost-effective strategy, it’s no wonder that so many businesses are using it to grow their traffic and revenue.

So, how can not investing in SEO and dental marketing be damaging to your dental surgery’s growth?

No visibility

Did you know that over 90% of web traffic doesn’t come from people typing in URLs? It comes from search engines. That means if your website isn’t optimised for search engine results, you’re missing out on a lot of potential visitors.

But there are disadvantages to not using basic SEO tactics as well. Your website might rank high in the search engine results pages (SERPs), but it won’t be at the top. And even if it is, people aren’t likely to click on it because they trust the first few results more than any others. So, SEO can really help to get your site spotted!

No Social Media Presence

Everything exists on social media, from independent bakeries to dental surgeries.

Therefore, it’s no secret that social media has taken over the world. What started as a way for people to stay connected has turned into a powerhouse marketing tool. But what if you’re not using social media marketing? You’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach potential customers.

Why? Because, much like before, you won’t be trusted as much as a surgery that is using this marketing tool and has a presence on social media. It’s that simple!

social media

Bots can’t find you

As mentioned before, 90% of web traffic comes from search engines, hence why SEO is so important for surgery growth.

Dental websites are often not optimised for search engines, which can lead to a number of disadvantages. One is that potential patients may not be able to find your dental practice online. This could lead to a loss of business for your surgery. Additionally, if the website is not optimised, it may rank lower in search engine results pages, as the bots will not be able to spot your website. Yikes!

No targeted keywords? Less business

One part of an SEO strategy is to have keywords on your website, in your blog and in your information sections about the dental services you provide. Not using keywords in your online marketing, however, can be a costly mistake.

According to a study by Chitika, not using keywords can cost you up to 33% of your traffic. That’s a significant loss of potential customers that could be costing you money.

And it’s not just traffic that you stand to lose by not using keywords. You also lose out on the opportunity to connect with potential customers who are looking for information about your product or service. So, optimising your website this way is key to being noticed.

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