Maximize Your Refrigerator’s Service Life With These 6 Tips

Opening fridge door

When people choose appliances to buy, they often consider their estimated maximum lifespan. Of course, you want to purchase something that will last long. Refrigerators, for one, aren’t cheap. Naturally, you’d wish to make the most of it and avoid needing refrigeration repair in Salt Lake City as much as possible.

Appliances are carefully designed and manufactured in a controlled manner. Manufacturers do their best in creating and selling products that will indeed last long. This is why most cover their products with good warranties. However, the warranty’s fine print, more often than not, mentions that proper use and maintenance must also be observed.

The same also applies to refrigerators. You need to follow specific maintenance measures to keep it in good working condition, saving you from costly issues. Below are some tips that will help you make your fridge last for years.

1. Don’t place it side by side with the stove or other appliances that generate heat.

When a refrigerator is placed beside anything that generates heat, it tends to compensate for the heat and work harder in keeping its contents cool. When your fridge works harder than it’s supposed to, it does not only consume more energy. Its motor also gets more worn unnecessarily.

2. Don’t put items on top of the fridge.

Your fridge also needs to breathe. You shouldn’t see the refrigerator’s top as a storage space. Keep it clear to ensure proper and sufficient airflow. If the warm air and temperature generated by the fridge’s motor cannot flow, that heat will remain within the fridge. As mentioned above, when your fridge detects heat, it will work harder to compensate.

3. Keep the inside clean and clear of items you no longer need.

Take a look at your refrigerator’s contents. Are you still using and/or eating all of them? There may be several items there that you’ve already forgotten about. Take the time to clean and clear your fridge of unnecessary items. Those space-hoggers only, well, consume space. They also consume energy indirectly, because your refrigerator works harder to cool all of them.

4. Check the gaskets and seals.

Refrigerators are fitted with door seals. Those seals help keep the refrigerator closed tight, preventing cooled air from escaping. Loose or damaged seals do otherwise. As a result, the fridge will seem as though it’s never cold enough. Your utility bills will also rise as the fridge continually needs to work doubly hard to maintain the ideal temperature.

5. Keep the fridge clean.

Make it a point to clean your refrigerator every once in a while thoroughly. Remove spoiled or expired ingredients and food items. Defrost the freezer. Wipe spills and remove food bits. Check the gaskets and clean them, too. Gaskets are prone to becoming a shelter for mold, so watch out for those and use a disinfecting cleaner to remove it. It will also help to vacuum the condenser coils to easily collect dirt, dust, hair, and other debris.

6. Set it to the right temperature.

To help your fridge save energy and keep it from working too hard, you can set it at just below 40 degrees. The freezer, on the other hand, can be kept at zero degrees. These temperatures are known to be safe for most food items and help a refrigerator run more efficiently.

Proper Usage and Maintenance Are the Keys to a Refrigerator’s Long Life

Female getting her fridge fixed

With these tips, you can keep your refrigerator for a lot longer, albeit not forever. But if you think something’s wrong with your fridge, don’t hesitate to call a professional to check it for issues that may compromise its performance and efficiency.

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