Preparing for the Winter: What to Do to Prepare the Home

The home needs to be a space for comfort for homeowners at all times. In the summer, cool temperatures make relaxing and enjoying time with family and friends easy. In the winter, a comfortable home needs to be warm enough to take the chill out of the air but not so friendly that it’s stifling. However, preparations need to come from homeowners’ efforts, especially for the cold season.

The winter season can be harsh on a home, especially if you do not adequately prepare for it. Fortunately, there are a few key things you can do to help make sure your home is as winter-proof as possible. These tips will help you avoid costly repairs down the line and make your home more comfortable to live in during the colder months.

Entry Point Insulation

One of the most important things you can do to prepare your home for winter is to ensure all entry points are well insulated. It includes doors, windows, and other openings that allow cold air to enter the house.

There are a few different ways you can insulate these areas:

  • Install weather stripping around doors and windows.
  • Add caulk around cracks and gaps in doorways, windowsills, and exterior walls.
  • Use draft stoppers or door snakes to block drafts coming from under doors.
  • Invest in heavy-duty window film to insulate single-paned windows.
  • Replace old windows with energy-efficient models.

Insulation, however, can be a complex process for homeowners, even those with a DIY experience. Fortunately, you can hire a professional insulation contractor to help insulate your home.

HVAC Maintenance

Another critical element of preparing your home for winter is to ensure your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is in good working condition. After all, this is what keeps your home warm during the colder months.

There are a few things you can do to maintain your HVAC system:

  • Replace the air filter monthly.
  • Schedule an annual tune-up with a licensed HVAC contractor.
  • Clear debris and leaves from around the outdoor unit.
  • Insulate ductwork that runs through unheated home areas, such as the attic or crawlspace.
  • Seal leaks in ductwork with mastic sealant or duct tape.
  • If you have a fireplace, have the chimney inspected and cleaned annually.

Your boiler will be critical for your winter preparation steps, making it your top priority. However, it can be hazardous to tamper with the heating system without the appropriate skills and knowledge. Fortunately, you can hire a company specializing in boiler services. These steps can help your HVAC system run more efficiently, saving you money on your energy bills.

Preparing Your Plumbing

Another area of the home that needs special attention in winter is the plumbing. Cold temperatures can cause pipes to freeze and burst, leading to costly repairs.

There are a few things you can do to winterize your plumbing:

  • Drain and store hoses used for outdoor faucets.
  • Insulate exposed pipes in unheated home areas, such as the attic, crawlspace, or garage.
  • Seal leaks around pipes and fittings with plumber’s putty or caulk.
  • Allow faucets to drip overnight to prevent freezing.
  • Open cabinet doors to allow heat from the home’s HVAC system to reach pipes located inside them.
  • Set the thermostat no below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, even when you’re away from home.

These steps can help prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting during the winter.

Additional Preparation Tips

In addition to the tips above, there are a few other things you can do to prepare your home for winter:

  • Clean gutters and downspouts to prevent ice dams from forming.
  • Install gutter guards to keep leaves and debris out of gutters.
  • Trim trees and shrubs around the home to avoid damage from falling branches.
  • Repair cracks in the foundation and seal gaps around doors and windows.
  • Invest in a snow removal service if you live in an area with a lot of snow.

By taking these steps, you can help your home withstand the rigors of winter and avoid costly repairs.

Winter Wardrobe Inspection

Finally, don’t forget to take a look at your winter wardrobe. Cold weather can be harsh on clothing, so it’s crucial to have the right gear to keep you warm and dry.

Here are a few things to consider for your winter wardrobe:

  • Invest in a good coat, hat, gloves, and boots.
  • Wool and synthetic fabrics are better than cotton for insulation.
  • Layering clothing will help you stay warm in colder temperatures.
  • Choose breathable fabrics for outer layers to prevent overheating.

A homeowner wearing thick clothes indoors during winter

Ensuring these outfits are part of your wardrobe will help you stay comfortable all winter.


Preparing your home for winter can be daunting, but taking the necessary steps to protect your property from the cold weather is essential. By following the tips above, you can help your home withstand the rigors of winter and avoid costly repairs.

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