Tips To Secure Your Home as Working Parents

a family of four smiling and sitting together
  • Equip your home with safety systems and devices, such as electronic door locks, security cameras, window locks, and more.
  • Establish rules and expectations for your children to follow while you’re away, such as how to answer the door.
  • Teach your children how to use a phone and the importance of not giving out their personal information.
  • Ask another adult to come over and supervise if you’re worried about leaving your children home alone.
  • Do a safety check to ensure that all doors, windows, and appliances are locked and turned off.

For working parents, leaving their children home alone can be daunting. After all, it’s natural to want to protect your little ones from harm. But with a few simple precautions, you can rest assured that your children will be safe while you’re away. Here are some tips to help secure your home for working parents.

Put Together a First-aid Kit

A first-aid kit is essential for any home, but especially for one with children. Make sure that your kit is stocked with all the necessary supplies, including:

  • Band-aids
  • Sterile gauze pads
  • Tweezers
  • Scissors
  • Thermometer
  • Wound-cleaning agents
  • Ointments
  • Over-the-counter medications

You should orient them about the kit before they need to use it and show them where it’s located. Doing so can help reduce panic in an emergency.

Install Safety Systems and Devices

As a parent, you can help protect your children while away by installing safety systems and devices in your home. Here are some fixtures to try:

Electronic Door Locks

One of the simplest ways to secure your home is by installing sturdy and modern locks on all the doors. Therefore, investing in high-quality electronic door locks is an effective way to keep your children safe. With these, you can control access to your home remotely, allowing you to provide permission or deny it whenever needed.

Security Cameras

If you want an extra layer of protection for your home, you may consider investing in a few security cameras. Place them strategically around the house, so you can monitor what’s happening when you’re away. These cameras can also be more beneficial if they come with motion detectors and two-way audio systems. This allows you to hear what’s happening and even address intruders.

Window Locks

Windows provide a vulnerable entry point for criminals and can be easily opened, so install solid locks for your windows. Additionally, many come with an alarm system that will sound when the window is breached.

Fire and Smoke Detectors

Installing fire and smoke detectors is a must-have for any home. This way, you can ensure that your kids are immediately alerted of any potential danger. Furthermore, you can connect these devices to your smartphone. That way, you can receive notifications if the alarm is triggered while you’re away.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide is an invisible and odorless gas that can be deadly. Installing detectors in your home is essential to ensure your family is safe. After all, the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning are unnoticeable until it’s too late.

a hand holding a phone showing home security in front of a house

Establish Rules and Expectations

Children are not always aware of the dangers that exist in the world. Therefore, it’s important to sit down with them and establish rules and expectations for when you’re away.

Here are a few things to go over:

  • How to answer the door
  • What to do if there’s a fire
  • Who to call in an emergency
  • How to use the safety systems and devices that you’ve installed

These rules can go a long way in helping your children stay safe while you’re away. Moreover, constantly reinforcing these expectations can help them remember to follow them even when you’re not around.

Teach Your Children How To Use a Phone

Nowadays, most children have access to a cell phone, but they need to know how to use one in an emergency. Make sure that they know how to dial 911 and who to call if there is any kind of problem.

Additionally, you should teach them when it’s appropriate to call an adult or the police. You must also leave other emergency contacts so they can quickly reach out if needed.

Remember to teach them never to give out personal information over the phone or online. This can help protect them from potential predators.

a mother and daughter looking at a mobile phone while sitting on a gray couch

Ask Another Adult To Supervise

If you are worried about leaving your children home alone, consider asking a trusted adult, like a family member or neighbor, to come over and supervise. This can help ensure someone is there to look out for them in an emergency.

You should also make sure that the adult knows all the safety measures you’ve put in place and the rules and expectations you’ve established. That way, they can better ensure your children are safe while you’re away.

Some services with certified childcare professionals can also provide in-home supervision for working parents. This can be a great option if you don’t have anyone you trust to leave your children with. Also, they can help with things like homework and providing meals.

Do a Safety Check Before You Leave

Before you leave your children alone, take a few moments to do a safety check. Ensure all the doors and windows are locked, and nothing dangerous is left out in the open.

Additionally, ensure that appliances are turned off and that any potential hazards are taken care of. You should also check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are working correctly.

Doing this can give you the peace of mind to focus on your work, knowing that your children are safe.

Working parents often worry about leaving their children home alone. However, too much worry can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. Luckily, with a few simple precautions, you can rest assured that your children will be safe while you’re away.

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