Smart Lifestyle Tips to Live a Better Life

The new year is upon us, and with that come all the resolutions and promises of a great year ahead. Many of us tell ourselves we are going to get in shape, eat healthier, fix up our homes, and get our finances in order. We always mean it when we say it, but for most of us, daily life gets in the way, and by Valentine’s Day, those resolutions are in the rearview mirror.

But they don’t have to be. Especially when you can take care of multiple self-made promises with a single project. For instance, get healthier and improve the value of your home all at once. If this sounds good, then keep reading for some smart lifestyle tips for a healthier and better life.

1. Revamp Your Kitchen

The kitchen is usually the heart of the house. It’s where everyone gathers to talk, do homework, play games, and make plans. One of the best smart lifestyle tips you’ll ever get is to make your kitchen the warm, inviting, and functional epicenter of your home. Some of the best conversations and most important decisions are made in kitchens.

If you feel your kitchen needs a full remodel with new appliances, granite counters, kitchen cabinets, and a custom kitchen design, that’s fine. But a revamp does not need to be an expensive and elaborate endeavor. A few cans of paint can make a huge difference to the look and feel of your kitchen. Grab some brushes and paint the walls, the window trim, the table, and even the cabinets. It’s certain to give your kitchen a fresh look.

If you want to go one step beyond painting, consider a new backsplash. It’s a very doable DIY project and can add depth to the new paint! Consider adding new hardware to your cabinets and drawers. So many options are available, from classic brass to fun fruit-shaped handles. Don’t be afraid to be eclectic.

If you have kitchen windows, invest in some streamlined shades. Shades open up a space and can offer more light than curtains. While you’re sprucing up the kitchen to improve your lifestyle, consider investing in a few small appliances like a juicer, steamer, and air fryer. These little gadgets won’t break the bank and can make your lifestyle healthier.

2. Grow Your Own Food

This is at the top of the list of smart lifestyle tips for a reason. Growing your own food can have a huge impact on your life. Food, especially fresh produce, is more expensive than ever, so having a garden can save you money. Then there’s the fact that nothing is more healthy than fresh fruits and veggies.

Working in a garden is great exercise and offers the chance to get fresh air and sun. Gardening can also be a great family activity and a great learning experience for younger kids. Best of all, planting a garden and watching it grow is great for relaxation and mental health.

Growing your own food can be a great source of pride and satisfaction as well. If you don’t have room outside for a garden, many kits allow you to grow things like tomatoes, lettuce, and squash indoors. If that’s still too much, get some seeds and pots, and plant some herbs for the windowsill.

There are tons of herbs and spices that can be grown right in your kitchen. You can dry them out, put them in your own jars, and have them all year. Your fresh herbs will give you a healthy boost and can save you a ton compared to buying the fancy packaged store-bought kind. If you’re not sure where to start, visit your local garden center for some help.

3. Prioritize Your Health and Comfort

Taking care of your personal health and comfort is vital for a better lifestyle. If you don’t feel well or are uncomfortable in your home, chances are you won’t be motivated to do much else. A few smart lifestyle tips you may want to consider are going for an annual physical or a vision exam and booking yearly family dental care for everyone in the house.

Once you’ve taken care of any aches and pains and have ensured you’re in top physical health, you may want to consider some mental and spiritual activities. If you’re in need of support for whatever reason, join a group or talk to a counselor. Take some time to schedule some self-care, like going for a massage. You can even pick a day to stay in your pajamas and watch movies. Whatever activities help you relax and find peace should be a regular part of your routine.

As soon as you’ve taken care of your personal well-being, it’s time to take care of things around the house that cause you discomfort. For many people, that can mean the temperature of the house. If there are some climate control issues happening, consider calling a heating and air conditioning company for an inspection. You may just need a new thermostat or your air filters cleaned.

If you deal with constant drafts and high energy bills, consider investing in new windows and doors. Not only do they help keep out drafts, but new windows and doors can help lower your utility bills, giving you more money to spend on fun stuff to do with your family and friends. Other things you may want to work on to improve your comfort can include getting your roof repaired, updating your electrical system, or getting new appliances.

4. Purify Your Water

Clean water is obviously critical to the health of you and your family. We need it not only for drinking but also for cooking, bathing, watching food, and keeping our pets hydrated. Often, our public water supply is less than great. The pipes in our homes may also be the culprit.

Old pipes can cause the weather to have an odd taste or contain substances like rust, lead, and soot. Bottled water is a nice alternative, but it can be expensive, and let’s not even get started on all that plastic! That’s why getting a water purifier makes this list of smart lifestyle tips. Water purifiers are quite affordable, with many starting at around twenty dollars.

They come in many forms, though the most popular is the kind that attaches directly to your faucet. There’s normally a knob that can be turned on and off for when you need the water filtered or don’t. For example, you may not want to waste the water filter on the dishes. You can simply flip the switch.

If you don’t want anything attached to your faucet, there are portable filters where you can pour the water directly into a container, and it will slowly drain through the filter, removing contaminants. These filtered containers can easily fit on counters, in the fridge, and on kitchen tables. If you want the entire water system of your home filtered, those are available for around $1,000. They not only remove chemicals and contamination, but they also get rid of excess sodium and soften the water, which helps your skin, hair, and laundry.

5. Remodel Your House

Granted, this is a big one, but it is truly a smart lifestyle tip if your family is growing or your needs have changed, but you don’t want to sell your house. Perhaps you’re expecting a new baby, maybe you need to have your elderly parents move in, or you just need to reconfigure and update to meet the ever-changing dynamics of a busy family. Maybe you’re looking to get in shape and want to add a home gym, or you’ve decided to work from home and need a new office. The reasons for home remodeling are endless.

Whatever the case, a home remodel can refresh your home and your outlook on life in general. Your home is your castle. Your oasis from the house stake and bustle of work and commitments. Having things the way you prefer can help you keep a positive outlook.

Just the thought of home remodeling can be overwhelming. So, narrow it down to the most needed project first. For example, if you have family coming to stay with you, sit down and discuss where they will be staying. Maybe you’ll have basement space, an apartment over the garage, or even the garage itself. More and more people are turning their garages into spare bedrooms, rec rooms, and the like, so it’s not a crazy thought.

You’d be surprised at what a good garage organization company can do when teamed with a great remodeling contractor. If your budget is larger, you may consider adding to your existing home. This way, you can expand the kitchen, add a spare bedroom, and get extra bathrooms in one fell swoop. It would be a great time to remodel the exterior as well.

An addition will mean new siding or shingles anyway, so you might as well do the entire house. If you want to start smaller, choose an old bathroom to redo, install new flooring, or redecorate your living room. It’s all about what needs doing and what inspires you to feel better.

6. Build a Pool at Home

File this one under super fun, smart life tips. If you and your family love exercise and fun in the sun, consider building a pool in your backyard. No more worries about schlepping to the community pool and paying those high membership fees for something you barely use. A pool at your home can open up a world of benefits that are sure to make your life better.

That is, once you get past the initial planning and installation, if your budget allows, do yourself a favor and hire a pool installer. Trying to put in a pool on your own can be very labor-intensive, frustrating, and dangerous if you don’t know the process. You’ll need to choose between an above-ground or in-ground pool, choose what decking or patio surrounds it, get permits, and call your utility company to ensure you won’t hit any lines or pipes.

While it takes some planning and a lot of labor, a pool is a fabulous investment if you enjoy the outdoors. Imagine all the get-togethers and celebrations you can host with the pool as the centerpiece. Kids will let you see it, and it’s sure to be a hit with your neighbors. It will provide great exercise for everyone, and it’s sure to increase the value of your home.

7. Plan Your Financial Future

Once you’ve followed some of the tips listed above, it’s time to protect your investments and do some estate planning. It’s not the most enjoyable aspect of improving your lifestyle, but it’s one that will give you peace of mind, making sure that your home and other assets go where you want them to. It’s always wise to consult with an attorney when drawing up your will. They can advise you on all the paperwork and the fair division of your property.

On a happier note, your financial planning should also include saving money and planning for your retirement. You may have a pension in place or a 401K in place through your employer, but it’s always a good idea to have an extra nest egg or two. Consider investing in stocks or IRAs and having a separate savings account that’s strictly for retirement.

If you have children or are planning on having them, it’s never too early to start planning for college. Many employers and banks offer college savings plans. These plans typically grow in interest over time, so your kids will be set when it’s time for them to fly the nest.

We hope you find these smart lifestyle tips helpful on the road to making a better way of life for you and your family. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. Don’t feel as though you need to tackle everything at once. Choose one or two that are realistic for you and your budget. Have fun and enjoy yourself!

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