Want to Stay Healthy and Beautiful? Limit Your Consumption of Oily Food

burger and fries

People in the US love fast food. They love it so much that they can’t get enough of it. A survey published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that over 36 percent of American adults consume fast food on a given day.

Fast food is popular because it’s convenient, affordable and delicious. Although eating cheeseburgers, french fries and other oily fast food is OK from time to time, you shouldn’t make this your diet. These food products are high in calories and loaded with unhealthy fat, sugar and salt.

If you’re trying to stay beautiful and in shape, you’ll want to avoid eating too much oily, processed foods promoted by fast food or restaurant chains in your area.

Here are some scary side effects that these foods can do to your body:

  1. It Ruins Your Digestive System

Fast-food meals, such as burgers, fried chicken and pizza, are loaded with fat. Consuming large amounts of greasy food every day strains your stomach and other parts of your digestive system. Your organs have to work incredibly hard to digest all the fat that you put in your body.

As a result, you may feel bloated, puffy, and uncomfortable after downing an oily meal. Consistently eating greasy foods over time may cause severe symptoms, such as abnormal bowel movements, which could push you to see a GI doctor.

Consuming greasy foods can also mess with the beneficial bacteria in your gut. These foods don’t contain the nourishing fats needed by your stomach’s microbiomes. A healthy microbiome is instrumental in keeping your immune system in shape.

  1. It May Increase Inflammation

Many fast-food chains cook their meals using refined vegetable oils, such as peanut and canola oil. Although vegetable oil may sound healthy (because of the word “vegetable” on it), this ingredient can worsen inflammation. This type of oil is high in omega-6, a fatty acid that helps with brain function and physical development.

Although you need omega-6 in your body, too much of this essential fatty acid can be detrimental to your skin and health. Your body is more likely to exhibit common signs of inflammation on your skin, such as swelling and redness. What’s more, excess omega-6 could raise your blood pressure and promote water retention.

  1. It Rots Your Teeth

woman flossing teethApart from drinking sugary sodas and eating sweets, you can develop tooth decay when you consume greasy food. Take potato chips and French fries as an example. When they become stuck in between your teeth, they can serve as fuel for the acid-producing bacteria inside your mouth. This bacteria can erode your enamel and cause all sorts of oral problems.

  1. It Raises Your Risk of Obesity

When you make the switch from following a balanced diet to eating fast food all the time, you’ll be consuming more calories per meal. Oily foods, such as cheeseburgers, are rich in calories. Maintaining a high-calorie intake may result in obesity, a health condition that increases your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

  1. It Will Starve You (Nutritionally Speaking)

Fast food doesn’t contain a lot of nutritional content. This high-calorie, low-nutrient combination is a no-no for your body. The lack of nutrition will prevent your body from functioning effectively. As a result, you won’t feel satisfied even though you’ve consumed a lot of fast food.

  1. It Will Affect Your Brain

Eating greasy fast food affects your mind, as well. Bacon burgers and other oily foods are often rich in saturated fats. This type of fat isn’t just bad for the heart. It can negatively affect memory and brain function. It can also impair your memory speed along with your prospective memory (your capacity to recall what you need to do).

  1. It Can Cause Your Cholesterol Levels to Skyrocket

Many fast-food chains derive their ingredients from animal products. They then deep fry these ingredients, add cheese and serve them with dipping sauces loaded with fat. Consuming fatty foods regularly can contribute to the increase of bad cholesterol in your body. Over time, you may develop atherosclerosis, a condition wherein plaque accumulates in the arteries and stops blood from reaching vital organs, like the heart.

  1. It Can Weaken your Bones

Oily fast food may also contain high amounts of sodium. Eating meals that are way over the recommended sodium intake may cause the bones to deteriorate and result in osteoporosis, a condition characterized by the deterioration of bone tissue.

These eight side effects should convince you to limit your consumption of oily fast food. You can stay healthy and fit by following a balanced diet, avoiding vices, like smoking and excessive drinking, and working out regularly.

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