When to Seek Medical Help for Your Recurrent Sinus Condition

sinus checkup

A stuffy nose accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the face and pressure around the eyes is not typical of the common cold. When your cold symptoms do not abate, and the symptoms mentioned above persist with loss of smell, it is time to consider consulting Denver’s top sinus specialist.

Chronic sinusitis

If you suffer from characteristic symptoms of a sinus infection that lasts for at least 12 weeks, a sinus specialist will likely give a diagnosis of chronic sinusitis. Acute sinus infection is an unfortunate combination of stuffy nose, earache, facial swelling, postnasal drip, headache and dizziness, and even fever.

If you also experience tinnitus, fatigue, and cough these also fall within the realm of known symptoms of acute sinus infection. When the inflammation becomes prolonged and worsens over time, it is not an acute condition anymore.

Unlike acute infection where the cause is easier to determine, numerous factors influence a chronic condition. When your sinuses overreact, it may not only be due to the presence of an infective agent anymore.

A quick lesson in anatomy

sinus anatomy

You probably have an idea where the sinuses are — that’s where the pain and stuffed feeling is coming from. To be more precise, the sinus is hollow spaces around the nose, connected with narrow channels. When the virus or bacteria proliferates the linings swell, which blocks fluid drainage.

When there is nowhere for the mucus to flow it fills up the small spaces; pus may be present as well. A chronic condition usually involves an allergic reaction to a substance that is present in the environment, which causes a continuous immune response.

The inability of the sinuses to drain fluid properly would lead to accumulation of fluid, mucus, and pus. Soon enough, it would be difficult to breathe in and out through the nose.

When it requires a definitive solution

Most people brush off the common cold and get on their way. The same is true for people who suffer from sinusitis — people who already have other problems such as asthma and allergies. Sinusitis is bothersome and may limit a person’s ability to participate in daily activities.

Fatigue is partly due to poor sleep. When one’s nasal passages do not allow air to pass through smoothly, a person’s ability to breathe deeply would be compromised. The feeling of tiredness combined with facial pain and a change in one’s ability to smell food affects a person’s appetite.

There may also be a dampening of the motivation to perform tasks. When one’s quality of life is affected negatively, family dynamics may be susceptible to change as well, and not always for the better.

A chronic sinus infection will only improve with proper treatment. This is a good time to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist so that you can take the right antibiotics or possibly nasal corticosteroids.

If you are experiencing concomitant allergies, the doctor would probably prescribe appropriate medication. When surgery or nasal irritation are recommended, you might find the relief and resolution you seek.

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