Do you worry about what other people think of your smile?

woman smiling

Every day people spend at least some time in front of a mirror getting ready for their activities. For some people, getting ready takes barely five minutes and the quick glance in the mirror at the end is to just make sure that they look as great as they think they do. However, for some people looking in the mirror can be an agonising task, especially when it comes to smiling. Many people are dissatisfied with their smile or teeth in some way, leaving them feeling reluctant to smile around other people in some circumstances. Constantly worrying about what other people think of your smile can result in you feeling insecure and isolated, but visiting a dentist Stevenage will enable you to find out what treatments are available that could potentially help you to overcome your insecurities and feel better about your smile’s appearance overall. These days making an appointment to see a practitioner is simple and can be done conveniently either online or over the phone.

Are you concerned about stains and discolouration?

It is not until people start to get older that they begin to notice that their smile is not as white and bright as it used to be. With age your teeth can become discoloured, and certain things such as drinking tea and coffee, consuming alcohol, smoking and even eating certain foods can increase your chances of developing yellowish or brown stains. If you find yourself frequently wishing that your teeth were a few shades whiter or you just want to get rid of an unsightly stain, teeth whitening treatment could be exactly what you need. Simple and straightforward, this treatment can generally be carried out either within a dental practice or from within the comfort of your own home. Wherever you have your treatment the concept of it will be the same, as you will be provided with custom-made trays to wear and inside these trays will be the whitening gel. You can see more immediate results when receiving treatment within a dental practice, but some people prefer the convenience of being able to be in control of their own treatment and complete it in their own home. If you choose to whiten your teeth at home you can generally expect to see results within two weeks.

woman looking at her smile

Is an uneven smile holding you back?

If you have crooked teeth and are worried about what people think of your crooked smile to the point where you refuse to show it off, it is time to find out about what teeth straightening treatments are available to you. These days you have so many more appliances to choose from than the traditional metal brace that you can really find a straightening appliance that suits your lifestyle. For severe misalignment issues you may still consider the traditional orthodontic brace, however some people prefer to have a more discreet approach when it comes to their appliance. Lingual braces work in the same way as traditional ones, but are instead attached to the inside surfaces of your teeth rather than the outer ones, making them almost impossible to spot. If you only have minor misalignment issues you may opt for a removable appliance instead. These focus mainly on your front teeth and can often straighten your smile in as little as six months, which is a much shorter time than some alternative appliances.

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