7 Creative Ways to Keep Memories

making a scrapbook

Whether digital or physical, keeping memories is an excellent way to preserve stories, experiences, and the moments we shared with the people we love. At certain points in life, we can look back at these memories and realize how far we’ve come, the lessons we’ve learned, and perhaps the goals we want to work on in the future.
Luckily, we have moved well past photo albums and picture frames. Here are the best and most creative ways to keep your memories:

1. Fill out a shadow box

A shadow box is a framed box where people store mementos from a certain period of time, usually stages in a child’s life. If you want to commemorate, for example, the Christmas of a certain year, you can store handmade cards, pictures, and small ornaments in a shadow box.

2. Start a personal blog

A personal blog doesn’t have to be public. You can post pictures, stories, videos, and other personal memories in a private blog. The best part? You have the freedom to customize your blog and design it however you want.

3. Print out photo books

Unlike traditional photo albums, photo books give you the ability to print only the pictures you want. Aside from that, you can decorate your photo books with creative designs, borders, stickers, and other elements that can make your photo book more visually pleasing.

4. Put together a time capsule

Do you want to make your own time capsule? To put one together, take a container and put mementos inside, such as pictures, videos, a mixtape with the most popular songs of today, DVDs of your favorite new movies, and other things that will remind you of the current time when you open the time capsule in the future.

5. Make a quilt

Instead of throwing out old shirts, why not turn them into a quilt? Take old shirts from camp, school, university, or sports, and then cut out the center part where the logo or text is. With a little sewing skill, you can turn these old clothes into a nice, comfortable quilt that will not only keep you warm but will also preserve your memories for years more to come.

6. Use websites

writing a blog

Various social media platforms provide a free way to store photos and videos for as long as the Internet exists. You can use Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and other social media websites to store your memories virtually. Alternatively, you can take advantage of Google Drive and other websites that offer free cloud storage for free.

7. Make home videos

Making home videos was the most popular way to preserve memories in the 80s and 90s. But with smartphones and better video editing software nowadays, you can easily make high-quality home videos and store them on the cloud or even on YouTube where many viewers are looking for something worth watching.

These are just some of the best ways to preserve good memories and experiences with the help of modern technology. Browse online to find many other great ideas.

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