Adjustment Period: Helping Your Kids Thrive in an International School

Students raising hands in class

School can be stressful at times — you know that as you have already been through it. And as a parent, you dream of sending your kids to a premier and topnotch school. A good choice will be an international school, but do you think your kids can handle stress and pressure?

Believe that they can. After all, you are by their side. It is important that you help your kids adjust to a new environment. If you get things right, your kids will thrive in an international school and will be on their way to reach their dreams.

Providing them with guidance always sounds challenging, but you need to be persevering. It is okay to be clueless at first, but you have to have the best plan to help your kids out.

Worry no more; here are some of the things you may want to keep in mind, especially if you are planning to send your kids to an international school in Bali.

Don’t let them miss the orientation day

The orientation day is one of the most important days in school. However, a lot of parents think that it is okay for them and their kids to miss this day. You need to attend this with your kids. This is when your kids can start meeting new people and finding new friends.

You will even have the chance to sort certain issues, such as class schedules and visa problems. The orientation day will even allow you to tour the school, thus giving your kids a chance to familiarise themselves with the facilities.

Help them pick the right club

Among the activities during the first few months at school is the club selection. Be sure that your kids attend such an activity. This is where your kids can be part of something that will hone their skills based on their interests.

Joining school organisations will also help them boost their confidence. Extra-curricular activities have a role in shaping a kid’s skill in dealing with other people.

Give them tips on coping with stress

Mother helping daughter with readings

It goes without saying, but going to school can actually be stressful. And you will need to aid your kids to deal with it. Some kids have no idea how to do it, so suggest something that is helpful.

For one, you may help your kids organise their schedules. You may teach them to prioritise the more important things. You may also teach them how to maximise their study time.

Let them have fun

There are times when school is really fun, and that’s what you need to highlight to your kids. Teach them that fun is just around the corner, especially with the right set of friends. If there are school activities that require student participation, such as field trips and camps, let your kids join them.

Studying in an international school is a rewarding experience, and as a parent, you will need to help them with that. Talk to your kids more often to find out what they really need.

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