Adulting 101: Things You Need to Start Doing When You Live Alone

doing laundry

There are basic things you know once you move out of your home by the time you hit 18: you’ll prep and cook your own meals, clean your room (mom won’t be there anymore to clean up after you), drive, and do your laundry.

But did you know that many young adults in St. George forget that dryer vent cleaning is a must when you live on your own? Only 40% of the lint that comes from your newly washed clothes is caught in the lint trap, and the rest may have to be cleaned by a professional to keep your dryer working at its peak performance for a long time. Here are some of the things you never knew you had to do once you start to live independently.

Have your dryer vent cleaned.

It’s more important than you think. When more lint gets stuck to the vent, it’s not just a matter of a cleaning issue—instead, it’s more of a safety issue altogether. Fire hazards are prevented by cleaning out your dryer vent regularly. It’s common knowledge and practice for you to empty out the lint from the trap, but you also need to regularly clean out the inside at least once a year to prevent it from catching fire.

More often than not, drying cycles tend to last for more than an hour and a half, and that’s enough to collect a high amount of lint, when moist after being expelled, can get stuck way inside.

Some of the common house fires that occur come from an unclogged dryer vent. So before you decide to load up some laundry while you step outside to do errands, you may want to make sure your dryer is all set and clean to keep your house safe.

Make friends with your neighbors.

friendly neighbor

Our first real homes away from our parents are usually in areas where the neighborhood may not be so nice. Even if you like to keep to yourself, it’s good practice to make friends with your neighbors once you’ve settled in. This isn’t just for social reasons; having neighbors who have your back can actually serve you well in the future. They can keep an eye on your place when you’re out for longer periods of time and can easily report to authorities if something sketchy happens in the middle of the night.

You don’t need to be best friends with them immediately, but having that peace of mind that you’ve got good neighbors would do wonders for your sanity.

Remember emergency numbers.

Now that you’re living on your own, it’s highly crucial for your safety always to have access to emergency numbers. Go beyond 911 and write down the number of the nearest hospital, fire station, and local police station for starters. On a more practical note, get some plumber’s number handy just in case that pipes burst or the toilet clogs up, and sometimes you may not have the skills to fix these issues. A handy tip: keep it right on your fridge, so you don’t lose it and have a digital copy on your phone at all times.

Independence is great, and it is more than merely paying rent, doing your own laundry, and buying your own groceries. These are some of the most practical things you need to know once you start living on your own.

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