Choosing the Ideal House Size for a Growing Family

Family in their new home

Do you have a growing family, or about to start one soon? Then you better be ready.

Based on USDA reports, raising a child until they reach the age of 18 may cost at least $233,610. It is quite a hefty amount. Reports also say that the most significant chunk of your expenses will go to housing, more than food and education.

That is why choosing the right size and layout of your home in Eagle Mountain, Utah, is crucial while you’re a new couple or while your kids are young. Where do you start? Here are a few recommendations.

The Ideal Size of House

A house that’s too big for the family you have in mind might be too tedious to maintain. It might be expensive to acquire or build, as well. On the other hand, a small house may be practical and cost-efficient, but it might not support the lifestyle you want. Nor will it be spacious enough for a future family. How do you determine the right size of the home?

First, you need to consider the space in terms of square feet for each person. If your spouse or other family members are comfortable with 500 sq.ft. of living space, check if your property can accommodate everyone. Consider every square foot of the property and the number of rooms you plan to have. You can have a house that’s smaller than the entire property if you choose to build vertically.

If you plan on raising a family in the city, though, be prepared to live in a smaller house.

The Ideal Number of Bedrooms

Stylish bathroomTownhomes for sale should have enough bedrooms for every person, where they can sleep alone and do individual activities in privacy. Homes should have a spare room for guests, as well, which could double as an office if the house can’t have any more rooms.

If you’re a couple who plans to have one child, the ideal number of bedrooms in your home is three. However, if you want to grow your family, plan for as many additional rooms as the number of children you wish to have. According to an article published in, having children can reduce your house by at least 30%. The more children you have, the more living space and rooms you’ll require.

The Ideal Layout

The appropriate layout of your house depends on the activities you have. If you plan to have a baby, you must keep the baby close to you. Choose a room that shares a wall with the master bedroom for the baby’s nursery. This way, you can easily hear the baby crying, and you can go to the nursery without having to traverse a corridor.

The other bedrooms, however, shouldn’t share walls, for privacy reasons. Soundproof the rooms, if possible. If two bedrooms are located on the same floor, buffer the sound coming from them by adding a closet or putting the bathroom between them.

Starting or raising a family is a whole new chapter in your life. It’s best to look at it enthusiastically while you figure things out along the way. The home will be your family’s foundation; make sure to choose one that would give your family long-term comfort and beautiful memories.

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