Cold-sensitive Teeth: How to Manage Them

woman having tooth pain from eating ice popsicle

When you wince in pain after drinking cold water, chances are that you have cold-sensitive teeth. There are various reasons your teeth can’t stand the cold. Before you take any of the remedies below, it’s important to know first what’s causing your toothache. You can always have your teeth checked by any Meridian dental care facility to see what is causing them to be sensitive to cold.

Hard brushing

Teeth often get too sensitive when you brush them too hard. When you brush your teeth forcefully, you run the risk of removing the outer layer of your enamel, leaving a thin barrier between the nerves of your tooth and the food or drink that you take in. As a result, when you drink cold water, it’s easier for the cold to penetrate your tooth and trigger your nerves, which is why you feel pain.

But there’s another reason brushing too hard causes your teeth to be too sensitive. Forceful brushing could damage your gums and expose the root of your teeth, where many nerve endings could be exposed to heat and cold. When your gums have receded, the cold water can reach your nerves, resulting in a painful sensation. The remedy here is to use a toothbrush with soft bristles and brush gently. If you feel that you’re not removing the plaque on your teeth properly, visit your dentist to have your teeth cleaned. You can also clean your teeth properly by flossing and using mouthwash regularly.

Tooth decay

If you don’t brush or floss your teeth regularly, plaque builds up, which could lead to tooth decay. When you have tooth decay, cavities can occur in your teeth. This means that your enamel gets destroyed, leaving the nerves inside your teeth exposed. When you drink cold water or eat ice cream, the cold can enter your cavities and trigger your nerves, leading to a painful sensation. The remedy is to clean your teeth properly and regularly. Always brush your teeth twice a day, floss them regularly, and use mouthwash. Also, stay away from acidic and sugary drinks because they can cause tooth decay.

Cracks in the teeth

You can get cracks in your teeth through an accident or poor dental hygiene. Whatever the case may be when you have holes or cracks in your teeth, it’s easier for the cold to reach your nerves and make you wince in pain.

Teeth grinding

girl grinding her teeth

This one often happens to people with stress-related issues. According to psychologists, teeth grinding is often associated with stress. This often occurs while the person is asleep. When a person grinds their teeth, the enamel will gradually become thinner, making it easier for cold or hot beverages or food to trigger the nerves inside the teeth. If you grind your teeth when you sleep, wear a mouth guard to prevent your teeth from gnashing each other.

Managing cold-sensitive teeth is easy once you know what causes your teeth to feel pain when you take in cold drinks or food. The gist here is that you should always take care of your teeth to prevent them from becoming too sensitive.

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