Preventing and Conquering Teenage Anxiety Disorders

anxious woman

What instantly comes to mind whenever the word “anxiety” is said are its immediate signs: sweating, shaking, and shortness of breath. Every person can experience anxiety. It is a natural reaction triggered by environmental, physical, or emotional stressors.

Each person could manifest different signs and symptoms of anxiety, yet people need to see beyond the physical and determine how anxiety could manifest in each person. The experts at Eva Carlston Academy explain that when it comes to teens and young adults, it is best to know that anxiety could manifest it in different ways, and teenagers might experience it differently.

Team Up with Family and Friends

The teenage years can be the most confusing, stressful and joyful for anyone. Often, it is during this age that an adolescent could be at odds with their parents and experience peer pressure. The best way to combat any form of anxiety disorder is by getting the active participation of family and friends in the treatment process.

A strong support system has a significant role in the management of the patient’s anxiety problems. Engaging in a non-judgmental open communication or doing recreational activities together are some methods where a teenager can feel secure and supported. These activities could be as simple as weekend picnics, an afternoon coffee, or a hobby you all share.

Develop Trust and Listen


Proper assessment of anxiety includes recognizing physical as well as verbal signs and symptoms. These are best identified when you build a sense of belonging and trust in your home. Most studies reveal that many teenagers have difficulty in expressing themselves at home or even towards their friends. So, if a young adult begins to blend and communicate with other family members, it is an excellent opportunity to actively listen and assess if your teen manifests the signs of anxiety.

Be Involved in Activities that Enhances Well-being

Stressors are part of life, but the manner of coping with these stressors is what matters. Teenagers who think they are alone or no one listens to them could feel a sense of alienation and feel overwhelmed. The stressors could come from the environment or from their peers, but they could experience stress and manifest them differently.

There can be several activities where a teenager can engage and cope with anxiety. Exercising, learning to play a musical instrument, doing artwork, and meditating are some of the activities that an adolescent can do as a form of relaxation. Any hobby that involves focus and concentration could often provide them with the calm they need.

Continued uncontrolled anxiety may lead to an anxiety disorder, which would then require an expert’s professional help. There are institutions such that can assist families, and in many of them, they require family members and friends to extend their support.

Each step is significant, no matter how small the steps are taken by an adolescent in battling the condition. A positive prognosis is expected as long as they receive support and reinforcement of a positive and calming attitude. These should come from not only the therapist but also from family and friends.

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