Conditions That Require Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery

The mouth is the entry port to your internal body systems. Without its optimal health, it opens you to a range of conditions that are not only expensive to treat but might also worsen existing conditions. Thankfully, most people now realise the essence of oral health. Dentists are also all the more intent on solutions that boost oral functionality and overall health.

One of the standard solutions for Townsville residents is the use of dental implants to fill a gap on the jaws. This prevents the shrinking of a jawbone following the loss of teeth. This shrinking might cause the shifting of teeth that affects the look and functioning of your mouth. Though common, gaps that require the use of implants are not the only indications for dental surgery. Here are others:

Impacted Teeth

The third molars, also called wisdom teeth, are the last to erupt. These should emerge from your gum line, and your jawbone should be large enough to have room for them. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In about a third of the population, the third molars do not grow in the correct alignment or become entrapped below the gum line. These are called impacted teeth.

Impacted teeth cause swelling, infection, and excruciating pain. In this instance, your dentist will extract the impacted teeth. Homemade solutions generally only address the discomfort caused by dental impaction. These often lead to permanent damage to other teeth, jawbone destruction, and the formation of tumours or cysts.

Unequal Jaw Growth

The upper and lower jaws in a few people do not grow properly. This causes difficulties in breathing, swallowing, eating, and speaking. Some issues related to unequal jawbone growth, such as teeth misalignment, can be corrected using braces and orthodontic appliances that move the teeth to a proper position. Serious jaw growth issues, however, require oral surgery. This moves a section of the whole lower or upper jaw or both jaws into a new balanced and functional position.

Damaged Tooth Roots

Endodontic treatments manage these. Root canal surgery is the most common treatment approach for infected and exposed dental roots. The procedure encompasses the removal of inflamed tooth pulp and roots from under your dentin and enamel. This relieves pain and saves your tooth from extraction. After the root canal surgery, your dentist will often place a crown to cover the surgical site and restore your mouth’s functionality and look.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Conservative treatments for sleep apnea are the first choice. At times nonetheless, positive pressure machines and dental splints fail to address this condition. In these instances, an oral surgical procedure that involves the removal of the soft tissues of your lower jaw or oropharynx is the solution. This averts the falling back of your tongue in your sleep.

Thankfully, dental surgeries for the above conditions are largely risk-free when handled by trained and licensed dentists. Most of them also involve minimal pre-surgical preparation and downtimes. They might be the best solutions for most of the dental issues you are facing.

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