Getting Married on a Budget? Here are Ways to Save on Your Wedding Day

bride talking to a wedding coordinator

Getting married is a dream come true, especially to some women out there. Wearing your dream wedding gown while sauntering down the aisle with your favorite song playing in the background can be like a fairy tale in real life. It is a once-in-a-lifetime moment in your life; that is why most couples are willing to spend a fortune to achieve their dream weddings.

Planning for a budget-friendly wedding

Deciding on your wedding budget is another thing you need to discuss. As mentioned, weddings can be expensive. Getting married to the person you love is a moment in your life that you have wanted for the longest time, so why not make the most out of it, right? Fortunately, there are a lot of wedding planning tips on a budget that can help you spend less yet still make your fairy tale wedding happen.

Weddings can be costly. From the venue rental, suppliers, guest count, invitations, and everything else, planning a wedding is not an easy task as well. And did we mention that weddings can be stressful and even unpredictable (due to sudden bad weather or natural calamities)?

Nonetheless, your budget should not suffer from having a wedding to remember. There are many ways to achieve your dream wedding without breaking the bank. Here are tips to help you save money while planning for your wedding.

Go for digital invites.

Almost everyone is on social media nowadays, so why not make use of this fact? Instead of hiring printers to create hard copies of your wedding invitations, have a graphic artist help you create a digital invite for your wedding instead. Or, if you still prefer a hard copy, you can have the artist create the design and have it printed at home.

Choose your guests well.

wedding beachThe more guests you have, the more expenses you will have. So if you can invite only family members and very close friends, do so. An intimate wedding will be lovely to have because all the people who mean a lot to you are there to celebrate your big day.

Support suppliers who are just starting.

This step can be a gamble, but this is also one way to support their business and something to add to their portfolio. Most of these small businesses have their own social media pages or websites, so you can check out their sample works. Plus, they are mostly cheaper than suppliers that are more established and popular, especially those who include celebrities as clients.

Consider DIY-ing some of your wedding elements.

If you are skilled in graphic designs, why not do the invitation designs? Or ask a good friend with good handwriting to write calligraphy on mirrors or chalkboards for a personalized touch. Remember to give back as much as they helped you. Ask your friends to tag you or themselves on photos using your official wedding hashtags so that they can post it on their social media pages as well.

There are many other things that you can do to save up on your wedding day. Nonetheless, what should matter more is not how much you have spent on your wedding day, but the number of memories you and your now-spouse will make in your entire journey in married life.

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