Home Layout and Design Tips for a Growing Family

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If you and your partner are thinking about starting a family and moving to a bigger house, there are more factors to consider now than before the pandemic happened. We live in a time when we have to spend time indoors more than ever before, and our homes need to be this comfortable one-size-fits-all property where we can do everything without having to leave the house.

If you’re planning on moving to a bigger house and thinking of designing it to accommodate your growing family, here are some kid-friendly home layout and design tips to consider.

Consider the placement of the master bedroom.

Many young couples don’t always think of the importance of the master bedroom when looking at new homes. Still, the parents’ bedroom placement is a key element to making sure your family home is a comfortable place to live for both you and your kids. Depending on your kids’ age and how many more you’re planning to have in the future, you have to make sure that the master bedroom is central and that your kids can have easy access to your room. Simultaneously, if your kids have grown accustomed to a certain type of layout or living conditions, make sure to recreate those qualities as you choose and design your new home.

Choose a home that provides outdoor space.

We live in a time when we have to do everything from the comforts of our homes—and that includes our kids’ playtime. Since we don’t know when the pandemic will end exactly, it can’t hurt to plan and design our homes in ways that will provide our kids with a semblance of normalcy, even if the state of the world is not normal.

There is a reason why a yard is one of the most requested home amenities—giving your kids a chance to play safely outside is a way to provide them with a normal childhood, like the one you had growing up when smartphones and the internet weren’t a thing. The yard doesn’t need to be an acre; even a small grass area is enough to let your kids breathe some fresh air and take small breaks in between remote classes.

Turn one room into a playroom or homework station.

Every family is different, and your kids’ needs may change over time. Still, it will be extremely beneficial to have one room dedicated to studying and playing, especially in COVID-19. This could be the room where they take online classes and blow off some steam during recess, especially if you set up a table with their favorite games and toys. Just make sure the homework station is separate from their work desk so that they’re not distracted or tempted to play while doing homework or during classes.

big family

Make sure you have a mudroom.

Another important factor that not many parents consider is having a mudroom, where all of your kids’ big items like sports equipment and instruments can go. Having kids means raising little people who have tons of interests, so make sure you have enough space to accommodate their hobbies.

Go for an open floor plan.

When you have small kids, you always want to make sure that they’re within eye distance, even when you’re at home. An open floor plan is your best bet since it can help you monitor your child’s safety even when you’re doing other tasks like cooking or cleaning. Look for a house that has an obstructed view of the back or front yard, too, so that you can see your kids even when they’re playing outside.

Foresee the possible disturbances in your nursery.

If you’re still raising a tiny baby, then you will know that one of the biggest obstacles to their peaceful sleep is unexpected disturbances like car horns, dogs suddenly barking, and other ambient noises.

Ensure that the room you choose to be a nursery is positioned away from areas where loud noises can suddenly occur. This means choosing rooms far away from the street or sudden heavy knocks or slams of the front door. If possible, you can also keep the nursery as far away from entertaining areas as possible.

The Bottom Line

There is plenty of quality yet affordable houses and lots for sale now, and many of them are located in safe, family-friendly neighborhoods, too. Don’t shortchange you and your family, and believe that the family house of your dreams is just around the corner.

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