How Does Teeth Scaling and Root Planing Works?

Dental checkup

There are times when brushing your teeth isn’t enough to keep bacteria at bay. That’s why you need to see a dental hygienist twice a year to get your teeth cleaned. A routine professional dental cleaning involves scaling your teeth and your gumline thoroughly. This procedure helps remove the stains and evens out the tooth’s surface through the process of scaling.

When does a person need teeth scaling?

Experts say that a dentist recommends root planing and teeth scaling if a person’s mouth shows any sign of chronic periodontal disease. Undergoing these types of treatments can help prevent any harmful effects of the condition from progressing. Even more, it can also keep your mouth healthy.

Chronic gum disease often occurs when the bacteria in plaque causes a person’s gum to pull away from his or her teeth. It creates large pockets between the teeth and the gums, giving them enough space to grow. That’s why it’s crucial to floss regularly to ensure that no food debris will get left behind. If left untreated, chronic gum disease can lead to loosening or moving teeth. Even worse, it can cause the person to suffer from tissue and bone loss, which eventually leads to tooth loss.

When you show visible signs of gum disease, a typical dental office in Scottsdale, AZ or any other metropolitan area will recommend root planing and dental scaling to treat your condition. There’s a chance that it will take more than one session to complete the entire treatment. The dentist will also apply a local anesthetic to reduce any feeling of discomfort during the procedure.

How scaling and root planing works

Experts often compare scaling and root planing to having a splinter removed from the affected finger. The periodontist thoroughly peels all plaque and tartar deposit from your teeth and your root surfaces. Then, he performs root planing, which smooths out all areas to keep bacteria from adhering underneath your gumline. The procedure allows your gum to recover and reattach itself to your teeth more firmly.

What happens after the procedure?

perfect teeth

On the next visit, your dentist will check the progress of your gum’s recovery. He will also check the status of the gaps between the teeth and the gums. In most cases, the signs and symptoms of chronic gum disease will no longer be visible. The bleeding has already stopped and the pockets got smaller. If the dentist sees that your gum tissues are responding well, he will no longer recommend any more procedures.

Meanwhile, if the condition continues to progress, he will recommend a surgical approach. He’ll do it after completing the root planing and scaling procedure.

These are just some of the things you need to know about scaling and root planing. If you notice any signs of chronic gum disease, it’s best to see a dentist immediately. Scheduling a deep dental cleaning procedure will help prevent your condition from getting worse. Even more, it will also prevent it from spreading and causing more problems. Visit your dentist regularly to ensure good oral health.

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