Prepare Well and Shake Off Your Moving Blues

planning the move

A major move might incite doubt. Even the calmest and grounded person could be taken aback. An overwhelming feeling of displacement accompanied by anxiety might take away the positive aspects of starting a new life and career.

Are you moving for the right reasons?

According to a beloved author, the late Maya Angelou, “We are where we need to be.” When an opportunity knocks and the little voice inside is excited to make the most of it, we should learn to trust and follow its directive.

Moving to a strange place entails many changes, and it could be a struggle to find one’s footing. Yet, if the inner voice is unwavering in its conviction, perhaps you should shut other voices out and heed its message. Are you moving for the right reasons?

If the resounding answer is “Yes,” then it’s time to turn your attention outward and start preparing for a new phase in your life.

Taking stock of what you own

Sooner or later you’d have to start packing. When it’s time to do so, have the presence of mind to consider bringing only what you need. If you are hiring removalists in Melbourne to transport your possessions, you can save a lot of money if you bring only what you need.

If the move is happening a few months from now, it would be smart to set aside the next weekend taking inventory of your things. Make three piles and label them accordingly. Place the things you need to bring on one side. Another pile should contain items that you will give away or donate.

On the third pile, place items that you will dispose of. If you have the luxury of time, allow yourself a fourth pile for things you are not sure where to place. Give it a few days to a week, but you must not delay making the decision. Place them on one of three piles and move on to the next task.

Planning a move that does not break the bank

packing for a move

Reducing the moving cost should be a priority. Since you are starting a new life in another city, you must take into account the expenses to be incurred to set yourself up. Finding a new apartment and making it comfortable would take a huge cut of the pie.

To cut down on moving expenses, you have to find the time to pack your belongings. Secure packing materials yourself to lower the fees you will pay to the movers.

A successful relocation

Packing your possessions is only half of the story. To prepare for a major move, set a moving date and make a list of tasks to complete to ensure the day itself would be hassle-free. Only you can identify the best moment to move to a new city.

The secret to a stress-free move is to give yourself ample time and to organise a moving calendar that allows you to break the necessary tasks into manageable chunks of activity. The list of errands and priority tasks could blow your mind once you’ve identified them.

Your first assignment is choosing realistic and achievable goals and timeframes. Ask for help and make the most of the generosity of friends, relatives, and co-workers. Lastly, prepare a moving checklist. Seeing the boxes ticked as time moves forward could give you the boost you need to overcome gargantuan tasks.

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