How to Deal with Brain Fog When You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

woman suffering from a headache

One of the most common symptoms of CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome is the feeling that you are always in some kind of a “fog.” During these times, it’s common to feel confused, forgetful and have a hard time concentrating.

This is what’s called “brain fog,” and it could be caused by many different things. Added to the fact that those with CFS are always exhausted. Likewise, those with CFS are usually stressed out and don’t get much sleep, which aggravates their memory issues.

Also, certain CFS medications could lead to memory issues. They could also cause a high-crash cycle. This is when you feel fine when the medicine is working, but then suddenly crash when it starts wearing off or after a few hours.

Fortunately, aside from ensuring that you get proper chronic fatigue treatment in Scottsdale, you can learn to cope with your memory issues by doing the following:

Try to get adequate restful sleep

This is admittedly hard for chronic fatigue syndrome patients, but getting enough restorative sleep will help you improve your memory problems.

Refrain from overscheduling your days

Multitasking isn’t easy for some people, but this is especially true if you have CFS. Try focusing on just one task at a given time. For instance, if you’re prepping a meal and someone’s trying to have a conversation with you, just concentrate meal prep and then talk during mealtime.

Organization is key

Consider making a daily to-do or task list. If you have plans of doing a specific task or running an errand first thing in the morning, write it down before going to bed and leave the note somewhere where you’ll be sure to see it the next day.

Learn how to say NO and not feel guilty about it

If you are having a particularly challenging day, don’t try to do a task that you know will make you feel worse than you’re already feeling. Leave it for now.

Have a place for everything

If you place your keys in a bowl by the front door, you’ll always know exactly where to get them. You should also do the same with things you regularly use, such as your mobile phone and other electronic devices.

man doing kettlebell pushups

Stay active

Physical activity or exercise can help clear and sharpen your mind. Try to do anything, even a simple walk outside will do. Working out regularly will relieve stress and built-up tension and flood your body with feel-good hormones.

Speak with your doctor regarding your current medications

If you have a hunch that medication is contributing to your memory issues, check with your doctor. See if you can try another remedy or adjust its dosage.

Eat smaller meals

Eating can help you get an adrenaline boost, which is especially vital on days where you need extra help. That said, opt for smaller meals at multiple times throughout your day to keep your energy up.

Although medication is the gold standard for treating chronic fatigue syndrome, the tips above may be very helpful as well. You just need to figure out which ones will work best for your daily routine.

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