How to enjoy tooth replacement implants for the long-term

perfect teeth

Certain dental treatments, whether it is for teeth restoration purposes or cosmetic value, can be costly, especially those that involve complex procedures. When cost of treatment is pertinent to the patient, one of the top-most concerns is how to protect this investment. Dental implants in Herefordshire are widely accepted as a practical solution for replacing lost adult teeth and is one such dental treatment that is considered costly.

The artificial tooth replacement treatment involves a dental practitioner skilfully placing a root-like metal stem (titanium is often the metal of choice) into the patient’s jawbone through surgical means. This stem takes on the function of the root of a natural tooth that anchors the tooth to the jaw, keeping it solidly in place. Just as in the case with natural tooth roots that are vulnerable to bacterial infection and tooth loss, so too are metal implants vulnerable to gum disease and failure. The viability of tooth replacement implants have a high success rate that is on average 95.4 per cent after a ten-year term; however, this does depend on how well a patient takes care of their implants and overall dental health.

The viability of treatment is first considered during the consultation phase when a dental practitioner has to make sure that the patient’s oral situation is conducive to implantation. The dental practitioner will want to assess the general health of gums, as well as establish jawbone density. A patient exhibiting worrying symptoms on either of these issues may have to receive additional dental care before they can continue with their treatment plan. After successful implantation there are proactive measures a patient can implement to lengthen implant longevity.

Practical ways of prolonging longevity of tooth replacement implants

The responsibilities of a patient towards the care of their implants differs slightly from those of other teeth replacement treatments like dentures and dental bridges. In many ways maintaining implants are considered relatively easier.

Clean mouth as per usual

The normal oral hygiene regime as advised by dentists apply to patients with dental implants – daily brushing and flossing of teeth

Maintaining dental health

good dental health

There is no replacing the skills and knowledge of a dental practitioner in maintaining oral health. This means keeping to industry-advised professional check-ups at established intervals is still an essential part of keeping on top of oral health. If any dental concerns arise whether this is a toothache or inflamed gums, it is imperative that a patient seeks professional dental care as soon as possible.

Follow all aftercare guidance instructions

The dental practitioner will advise on any further aftercare tips a patient should need to look after their implants. For patients who smoke this may mean having to give up smoking which is known to impact negatively on dental health.

The initial cost of treatment may seem like a large sum when compared alongside alternative solutions, but when bringing the period of service life into the equation and relatively easier maintenance, dental implants are considered the more cost effective choice.

Experience dental care at the highest level with qualified professional dental practitioners trained in a diverse array of treatments from general dentistry to viable restorative dentistry options and get that gap filled by an implant.

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