Keeping Your Parking Lot Protected All Through Winter

car on a snowy road

If you live in a cold environment such as Utah, you probably know how tough winter can be on your asphalt structures such as parking spaces. This is also true if you own an asphalt driveway or have a private road leading up to your house. You are going to have to carry out regular maintenance ahead of the cold months so that you are ready for the season and don’t end up having to pay large amounts in repair once the snow thaws out. At the start of fall, watch out for signs of damage so that you can get all the necessary repair work done while the weather is still nice outside. Here are some ways you can keep your parking lots, roads, and driveways protected during winter:

Carry out repairs in the fall

Inspect your concrete and asphalt structures for any signs of damage, such as cracks and splits. As asphalt contracts when exposed to the cold, even the hairline cracks are only going to get bigger when the ground freezes. When the fall showers start or when the snow begins to melt, water mixed with salt will drip into the cracks, making them even more pronounced. Avoid this by repairing all the cracks while there is still time. Otherwise, you might end up with large depressions and dents on your driveway, which can be extremely hazardous in winter.

Make sure to seal the deal

Now is the right time to hire a company that performs asphalt sealing in Salt Lake City. They will be able to seal your asphalt so that it has a protective layer against the rain and snow. It will make your parking space or driveway longer-lasting, and it can add many more years to its foundation. It will also make the surface look shiny and well taken care of. It’s best to get this done professionally as it takes time and needs to be done with care.

Don’t let snow build up

Close up of a cars tires on a snowy road

Having snow or standing water build up in the parking lot can be really harmful to the asphalt, not to mention that it is a hazard. It can get really slippery when iced over, so make sure that you use the right thawing agents. Try to plow it as soon as it stops snowing, and use de-icing chemicals that will not corrode the asphalt. Using a type that is not harmful to the environment will protect both your driveway and your garden.

Keep it clean

Part of asphalt maintenance is also to clean out any debris that might accumulate throughout summer, especially when the leaves collect during fall. Rake your driveway properly, and don’t let moss or muck develop. Don’t let the debris get snowed on as this is harmful to your asphalt and dangerous to your car.

With well-planned and timely maintenance, your parking lot and driveway can last a long time. It’s best to hire experts to do the repair work. For everything else, make sure that you are doing your best to keep the surface clean.

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