Traditional Ways to Keep Your Tiles New and Shiny

Minimalist kitchen tile flooring

Homeowners are investing in the value of their house when they update its tiles. Of course, they are probably hoping not to spend more money on tile tool suppliers soon after updating their home’s floor. However, sometimes life can go haywire and maintaining their home’s tiles isn’t a priority anymore. Although not all tiles are equal, homeowners have a lot of options to keep their floors safe, clean, and looking new for decades.

Besides the usual hovering and sweeping routine, homeowners can do certain things to brighten up their tiles. They should no longer fret as there are many ways to bring brightness back to their dull tiles. The following ways are simple but tried and tested old-school ways for homeowners to keep their floors sparkling clean:

Furniture Polish

Although slippery, furniture polish is an effective way for homeowners to keep their floors sparkling clean. Spray a tea towel or clean dusting cloth with any furniture polish, place the fabric on the floor, and then use the back of a brush to polish the floor. However, homeowners have to watch their step as the floor will be slippery for a while until the furniture polish dries up.


Although common, a mop is a critical floor cleaning tool. Recent research claims that water is the most effective floor tiles cleaning liquid. As such, the way homeowners treat their mop can impact the condition of their floor tiles. You might need to steam-clean a broom with hot water before using it on a different surface. Likewise, clean the mop bucket, fill it with warm water, and use a thoroughly cleaned mop to clean streak-free tiles.

Warm Water and Vinegar

The use of vinegar and warm water is fundamental but an effective way to clean floor tiles. It is an old-school cleaning tip that homeowners can utilise when their regular cleaning products are finished. Vinegar is superb in tackling stains on cooking surfaces and wall tiles. However, experts discourage the use of vinegar on wood floors as it contains an acid that can damage delicate surfaces. After rubbing the surface with vinegar, rinse it with cold water to prevent further damage. You can also use vinegar and lukewarm water to clean grease that your cooker spits on the floor of your kitchen.

Toothpaste and Toothbrush

Toothbrush and toothpaste

You have probably spent much of your time in the bathroom thinking how you can get rid of grim between the tiles. Use of a toothbrush and toothpaste may be one of the creative solutions to keep floor tiles shiny and clean. Put a little toothpaste on an old toothbrush and scrub the grim hidden between the slabs. After scouring the floor, pour water on the surface to remove any dirt that might be stuck between the tiles.

Tiles are resilient and coated with a protective layer against dirt. As such, homeowners should never worry about replacing them after some time. However, the simple, old-school tips mentioned above will help any homeowner make their floor tiles sparkle.

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