Ways to Transform a Boring Backyard Into a Cozy Outdoor Living Space


Technology may have allowed us to multitask like never before, but it has also made our lives monotonous. We’re cooped up in our offices during the day, our faces in front of monitors, and at night, we’re binge-watching a TV series from a large screen. Whenever we find ourselves idle, we just whip out our phones and browse our feeds.

While video-streaming and social media are both entertaining, our minds and bodies don’t benefit much from them. Electronics simply can’t provide the same nourishment nature does. It can’t supply us with vitamin D, which is essential for our immune system and weight management. In addition, electronics and the indoors barely expose us to fresh air; did you know that indoor air is also polluted?

Your frequent or occasional travels may make up for your lack of exposure to nature, but now that we have a pandemic, how are you getting your dose of sunlight? The stay-at-home orders shouldn’t stop you from seeking the outdoors. It’s literally around you — right in your backyard.

If your backyard is small, overgrown, or simply unlivable because of bugs and whatnot, the space isn’t a hopeless case. You can absolutely give it a makeover without spending a ton. Below are the ways to do just that, and make your backyard a relaxing, livable space:

1. Landscaping

Even a simple landscape design can give your backyard a dramatic transformation. If you’re inexperienced in landscaping, a professional can help you. Either get their services or ask them what plants can thrive in your backyard. Consider giving a theme for your landscape design too. If you think Bali has the most relaxing aesthetic ever, for example, see if the country’s native plants can survive in your area. If not, look up similar plants that are better suited in your climate.

Maintain your transformed landscape by dutifully watering the plants as needed. Install a convenient sprinkler system so you don’t have to stand under the sun to give your garden a bath. Don’t forget to pluck out the weeds, trim the shrubs, and mow the grass, too.

2. Plant a Tree

If you have a spacious backyard, it’s definitely calling for a tree. It won’t only give your backyard some shade and charm, but allow some wildlife to share your garden, too. Beautiful birds will nest there, and bees will pollinate the flowers in certain seasons. Plus, trees give more structure and architecture to a garden. If the branches are sturdy, they can hold a swing or hammock, where you can read a book or doze.

3. Add Paving


Consider natural stone pavers if you want the space to look luxurious. Decking flooring will also work great. The key is to match the paver’s material to your home’s architecture. If you have a Mediterranean-style abode, natural stone pavers will match it best. Wood flooring, on the other hand, is perfect for modern farmhouse-style homes.

4. Install a Hot Tub

If your backyard has plenty of privacy, you’re welcome to put a hot tub in it. Go for a portable hot tub if your budget is limited. Its streamlined design doesn’t betray its price tag. It’s also considered more energy-efficient, so it’ll allow you to cut down your water and electricity bills, too.

But if you want a pool and a spa in one, a swim or exercise spa should be your pick. Naturally, this type of tub is pricier. Though it’s self-contained, a swim or exercise spa still requires a solid foundation for support. It also takes up more space, so you’d need a bigger yard for it.

If your tastes lie on the rustic side and assuming that you also have a rustic home, choose a wood-fired hot tub. Just note that it will demand a lot of preparation before being ready for use. But once you soak in it, you’ll have a unique experience that makes all the work worth it. Be sure to have enough stocks of firewood nearby, because you’ll need them when the water cools down.

5. Add Relaxing Furniture

Choose folding furniture or benches that can be tucked in under a table if your backyard is small. L-shaped outdoor sofas work on limited spaces as well. If you’re blessed with a bigger backyard, feel free to add statement furniture, like a hanging swing, a daybed, or sun loungers. A patio set or deck seating is a good addition, too.

With these simple backyard modifications, you can go out in the sun anytime and get your daily dose of vitamin D and fresh air. Numerous studies have already proven that the outdoors are excellent for our health. It may even improve our memory. So give your eyes a rest, and your limbs a stretch, and lounge in your newly transformed backyard.

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