What are 6 Month Smiles?

perfect teeth

6 Month Smiles  is a dental treatment that strives to dramatically improve the appearance of a patient’s smile in as little as 6 months! Despite an aesthetic alteration being the primary aim of this dental transformation 6 Month Smiles can also improve the function of an individual’s mouth!

How can straighter teeth improve my oral health?

The main goal of 6 Month Smiles is to realign and therefore straighten the teeth within the mouth, however a patient’s dental health can also be improved through the use of this orthodontic treatment. Crooked or misaligned teeth can make it difficult for patients to brush, and floss correctly, which can therefore lead to a build-up of oral bacteria (which can later develop into plaque). Easier brushing can therefore lead to a reduced level of oral bacteria within the mouth, consequently leading to a healthier smile.

How do they work?

6 Month Smiles are now extremely popular within the field of modern dentistry, and for obvious reasons! Many individuals may have heard of this particular procedure and may even have been referred for this particular treatment by their local clinic, however they may be unsure of what to expect from the treatment process.

Embracing variety

Individuals who are looking to transform their smile can choose between two orthodontic options, clear aligners, and fixed clear braces. Located on the 6 Month Smiles website patients can answer several questions on the online quiz to find the right option for them. Both orthodontic options strive for the same result, a straighter and therefore happier smile, however they both work in varying ways. Clear aligners are replaced every few weeks however clear fixed braces remain adhered to the teeth throughout the dental process.

Is 6 Month Smiles right for me?

good dental health

If you are over the age of sixteen and are suffering from crooked, front protruding, or generally misaligned teeth then 6 Month Smiles could be right for you. Located on the 6 Month Smiles website is a ‘find a doctor’ option which allows patients to speak to a licensed dental healthcare professional regarding their unique dental case.

Why choose 6 Month Smiles?

6 Month Smiles are a revolutionary form of orthodontics and can be perfect for patients who wish for effective, reasonably priced, and subtle dental work. Many patients may wish to straighten their teeth, but may be reluctant to receive obvious metal dental work which is where 6 Month Smiles can help!

How much do 6 Month Smiles cost?

The cost of this particular treatment is typically far less than that of conventional braces, due to their short treatment time. If you are interested in receiving 6 Month Smiles, but would like a treatment quote then feel free to visit the 6 Month Smiles website! Patients can work with a doctor to find the right treatment plan for them, and the exact financial costs they can expect to pay.

How to pay for your dental treatment?

Many patients may wish to pay for their dental transformation upfront, however many individuals may lean more towards using their health insurance, or any finance plans that may be on offer at the practice they wish to receive treatment from.

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