Why Indoor Air Quality Matters And What You Can Do About It

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With most people cooped up at home for health and safety reasons, having good indoor air quality is essential more than ever. Allergens, pollutants, and toxins can be present in the air that you breathe, which can result in allergies, respiratory problems, and other illnesses. Stale indoor air, dirty filters, and unmaintained vents can contribute to the number of mold spores and dust mites in the air.

Improving the indoor air quality of your home is beneficial for your health and comfort. It can help alleviate allergy and asthma symptoms and reduce your risk of respiratory problems. While you cannot achieve zero allergens in your home, you can do some things to reduce them significantly.

From replacing your old HVAC with a new central unit to keeping your home clean, here’s how to ensure that your indoor air is safe:

Keep your home clean.

Dust and pet dander from carpets, draperies, furniture, beddings, and other home items can contribute to the presence of allergens in the air that you breathe. Vacuum your carpets and rugs at least once a week to ensure dirt and dust do not accumulate. Opting not to use carpets is the best option to keep your indoor air cleaner.

Clean and change your beddings and draperies once a week, especially if you have pets in your home. Clearing your home from clutter can also help since clutter can trap dust and allergens.

Open your windows.

Open up those windows to let fresh and clean air in your home. Natural ventilation is one of the most inexpensive ways to improve your home’s indoor air quality. Opening your doors and windows bring in outdoor air, which promotes air movement, improves air quality, and helps reduce indoor air pollutants.

Install cooking vents in your kitchen.

Fumes from cooking can negatively affect air quality. For instance, gas stoves release carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, which are both harmful. Smoke, steam, and gas fumes can lower the quality of your indoor air, increasing the number of pollutants. You can install an updraft ventilation system that will absorb the vapor and smoke and expel it through your roof or a vent. You can open your kitchen windows when you cook to let some fresh air in.

Get some indoor plants.

Indoor plants can work as natural filters and air purifiers that can help clean indoor air. A famous experiment conducted by NASA found that plants can help clean indoor air from dangerous chemical compounds such as formaldehyde, causing cancer. The bigger the leaves, the better, because a bigger leaf area means a higher rate of purification. While some studies dispute these findings, plants are natural stress relievers.

girl chilling

Use an air purifier.

An air purifier can help you achieve improved indoor air quality, especially if you have pets in your family. Air purifiers remove air pollutants present in the air. They can also help if you are living with a smoker since air purifiers remove secondhand smoke.

Different air purifiers use various methods and technologies to remove air pollutants. Air purifiers with HEPA filters utilize a fan that pulls in the air as the HEPA filter mechanically traps airborne particles and contaminants.

Negative ion purifiers, on the other hand, use chemical injection to do its job. Negative ions attract pollen and dust. When these ions weigh too much with the particulates that they attract, they fall and get stuck on the ground.

UV cleaners do not remove particulate matters such as dust and pollen, but they are useful in getting rid of bacteria, germs, and viruses. They are usually paired with another air filter for better air quality.

Use a dehumidifier.

Dehumidifiers reduce the presence of moisture in the air. They are instrumental in damp rooms and areas in your home. Dehumidifiers help prevent mold and mildew growth, both of which can trigger allergies and asthma attacks. They also reduce the presence of dust mites, as well as help prevent the spread of viruses. Consistent humidity levels can help make your home more comfortable and healthier.

Maintain your AC.

Your AC system works to keep your indoor temperature comfortable. They also help filter off pollutants from your indoor air. However, over time, your AC’s filter can give up and might not be as efficient as before. Regularly maintain your AC and change your filters to ensure that your indoor air quality does not suffer.

If you are having problems with your AC or your AC is more than 10 years old, it might be time to call your trusted AC experts.

Ensure the health and safety of your family by making sure that the air you breathe is safe, pure, or toxin-free. Good indoor air quality improves your comfort and gives you peace of mind.

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