Electric Toothbrushes: Why You Need One Right Now

woman after using an electric brush in front of the mirror

Dental technology has come a long way in recent years. People have a host of dental hygiene tools and products at their disposal, from teeth whitening treatments, orthodontic appliances designed in a space maintainers lab, invisible aligners, and rechargeable electric toothbrushes. This makes dental hygiene easier and more convenient to manage since many products can target specific oral health needs.

This article will talk about the electric toothbrush, a dental hygiene tool that many people think is unnecessary and expensive. We’ll discuss why it’s better than the manual toothbrush technique and what it can do for your overall dental health.

woman using an electric brush

Better Plaque Removal

According to a study, electric toothbrushes are far better in removing more plaque and reducing risks of gingivitis than manual brushes both in the short and long term. Within three months of continuous use, electric brushes can reduce plaque by 21% and gingivitis by 11%. Try electric toothbrushes with an oscillating (rotating) feature for better results since they’re more effective than vibrating toothbrushes.

Ease of Use

Using a regular toothbrush requires you to move it back and forth along the teeth in repeated motions. With an electric toothbrush, the brush itself will do the entire cleaning action for you. This means you only need to guide the brush on all the surfaces of the teeth. Once you get used to it, brushing won’t be much of a chore for you.

Likewise, patients with arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or any mobility issue will find using the electric toothbrush more convenient and less painful. You don’t have to worry about hurting your gums since electric toothbrushes are safe for the gums and enamel when used properly.

Safe for Kids

Here’s a fact, not all kids like the idea of brushing their teeth. They think of it as a chore and something they don’t take too seriously. If using an electric toothbrush seems more fun and engaging to your child, you can let them use it as early as three years old to help them establish good oral hygiene and maintain healthy teeth.

Even toddlers and school-age children can also use electric toothbrushes, especially if they’re learning to brush their teeth effectively. But parents should make sure to read the age recommendation included in the packaging before letting their kid use it. Electric toothbrushes are safe to use as early as ages three and up.

Improved Focus While Brushing

People tend to forget to clean some parts of their teeth, particularly the hard-to-reach places and the farthest part of the mouth. This can lead to gum disease, tooth loss, bad breath, and other major dental issues.

In a study about the usability of electric toothbrushes, researchers found that people are more likely to focus when brushing their teeth with an electric toothbrush. This can help improve your overall experience in dental hygiene, which results in good oral health.

Less Waste

Eco-conscious consumers should consider switching to an electric toothbrush to minimize their household waste. An electric toothbrush has a replaceable head, so you don’t have to throw away the entire toothbrush. But this only applies to a multiple-use electric toothbrush since other electric toothbrushes are single-use.

Since most electric toothbrushes are battery-powered, make sure to dispose of the batteries properly to avoid chemical contamination.

Special Features

Electric toothbrushes are typically packed with special features and advanced technology, particularly those coming from popular and expensive brands. They come with convenient features, such as a toothbrush holder, brush head, travel charger, and counter storage unit.

Other hi-tech features include pressure sensors, timers, digital reminders, Bluetooth connectivity, and tracking technology. Advanced electric toothbrushes come with multiple brushing modes designed for sensitive teeth. Also, the brushing modes can help people undergoing a teeth whitening treatment.

Suitable for Orthodontic Appliances

People with braces often have a hard time cleaning the deep recesses of their mouths because of their orthodontic appliance. This leaves them more prone to plaque and bad breath.

The good news is, electric brushes work better than the manual technique. They make brushing easier and more effective for patients wearing orthodontic braces. People with braces who have difficulty cleaning their mouth will find electric toothbrushes ideal when cleaning out bacteria and trapped food around wires, elastics, and brackets.

It’s about time we surrender the mentality that electric toothbrushes are a waste of money. They’re actually good for our oral health and can offer numerous benefits when it comes to dental hygiene. If you want to see better results, make sure to buy your electric toothbrush from a reputable brand. You may also consider buying brushes equipped with better cleaning power.

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