Five Ways to Help Your Child Adjust to Online Classes

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools all over the world have been forced to move classes online. If you’re working from home, you should understand how difficult this shift can be. Aside from facing stress and anxiety about the pandemic, it’s also hard to separate work and home life when you’re always at home. Many parents and students are concerned about how well their kids will do during these online classes.

This sudden shift to online classes isn’t going to be easy on your kids. It might even be more difficult for them to adjust than it is for you. A work from home set up is quite different from a virtual class set up. If your work has been integrated into a work from home set up, chances are because your work can be done at home in the first place. School is a different story.

Schools are used to the traditional face-to-face mode of teaching. Not many preparations were made for online classes. What used to work in face-to-face classes might not work for online classes for several reasons. But since we are left with no choice but to move online. Schools had to find a way to integrate their curriculum online. Although it’s difficult to adapt to, it isn’t impossible. With a little help from an SG tutors, your child can adapt to virtual learning much easier. Here’s how you can help:

Help them set a schedule they can stick to

It’s essential to have a schedule or a routine that your child can stick to. Pre-pandemic, we already had a set routine. From waking up to getting dressed, to our daily commutes to work or school, and then having fun on the weekends. Our schedules were always full, and we had so many things to do to keep us preoccupied (and sane). Now that we’re all stuck at home, we practically do nothing. We have lost our routine, our structure, and that can impact one’s mental health.

Create a schedule for your child. From the time they wake up to when they should eat, they should work and take breaks. All of these should be a part of their schedule. Make sure that the schedule or routine that you create is doable. Try not to make the time so strict, unless they have synchronous classes they have to attend at specific times. Make sure to leave some free time to let them do whatever they like. Remember, rest is just as important as work.

mother son taking an online class together

Set up a designated workspace for them

Since separating work from home, life is difficult when you’re working from home. Having a designated area where your child can work will create a boundary between the two. Making it easier for them to focus on their studies even if they are at home. Their workspace doesn’t have to be an entirely separate room unless you have one. If you have little space at home, a good rule is to make sure that they aren’t studying in bed. As long as they study in an area that they don’t associate with rest, it can create some boundary between work and home. It’s also good that they get to move around and not just stick to one area.

Make sure they get to do some physical activity

Don’t forget to make time for physical activities. Since everyone is stuck at home, chances are you’re sitting down the majority of the time. Sitting too much is bad for your health. If there’s one thing the pandemic has taught us, it’s that you shouldn’t take your health for granted. The CDC suggests at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. That means working out for 30 minutes a day for five days. Or working out for one hour and 15 minutes twice a week. Working out at home can be easily done. There are plenty of home workouts on the internet that you can follow.

Allow them to be open about their feelings with you

We all know how stressful and nerve-wracking the pandemic can be. We hear news about deaths every single day. Your child might not show it, but there’s a big probability that they’re just as worried about the pandemic as you, and they aren’t showing it. Make sure to talk to your child and let them know that it’s okay to be open about their feelings with you. Doing so will encourage your relationship with each other to grow even more.

Encourage them to stay connected with friends and family

As much as we love our family, it can still be difficult to be around them 24/7. Your child might be feeling the same way. Every once in a while, check up on your child’s social life. Try to encourage your child to stay connected with their friends and other family members. Talking to their loved ones who don’t always interact with them can be good for their mental health.

Although things are difficult right now, we have no choice but to adapt to the situation. Take note that these tips don’t only apply to your child. You can use these tips to help yourself as well.

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