How to Save Money When Travelling in London

Happy couple at the tour bus

Are you excited to finally see Big Ben in the flesh? Or perhaps sip English tea and eat fish and chips? Before you pack your bags, learn some money-saving tips for first-time London visitors like yourself.

London is one of the most iconic tourist spots in Europe. There is so much to see in this megacity, from the famous Big Ben to the unforgettable London Eye. However, you don’t want to burn through your bank account just for this trip, do you? Luckily, here are the best ways to save money while travelling in this beautiful city:

1. Book a hostel

There’s no doubt that hotels can be very expensive in the more popular tourist areas. Fortunately, there are lots of  great hostels  in London City Centre that you can choose from. It is best to book accommodations online, so you can compare prices and find the best hostel to fit your budget. Remember that with less money spent on accommodations, you can have more for food and other activities.

2. Buy an Oyster card

A Visitor Oyster card is a travel card that allows you to use London’s public transport. Buy it online and have it shipped to your home before your trip, so you can pre-load it with credit. Pre-loading can be done online, and topping up can be done while you’re in London. It is  convenient and affordable.

3. Visit free museums and sights

people walking around London

Tourist attractions can be costly when added together. If you want to make the most of London’s destinations, visit the National Museums, which have no entrance fees. For first-time London tourists, make sure you drop by the British Museum, National Gallery, and Tate Modern to appreciate the city’s art and culture. After you have visited the free destinations, you can splurge for the London Eye or other paid attractions.

4. Eat like the locals do

Food is one of the biggest expenses when travelling. In London, the best way to save money is to eat where the locals eat. Check out local markets for cheap groceries and snacks. Eat at hole-in-the-walls, food trucks, or local restaurants that offer great food at a lower price. London houses many cuisines, so you don’t need to worry about finding food that satisfies your palate.

5. Buy a London Pass

The London Pass gives you free or discounted access to more than sixty attractions in the city, including the Tower of London, London Bridge Experience, and Westminster Abbey. It’s easy to use (can be bought and used using your smartphone) and it offers great value for money, especially for those who want to stick to their budget. If you get a London Pass, plan your itinerary around it so that you can maximise the offers.

London is a top tourist destination for many reasons. Aside from great sights, the city is a melting pot for different cultures that manifest in their art, food, entertainment, and more. If you’re thinking of going to London for your next holiday, these five tips can help you enjoy what the city has to offer without spending more than you can afford.

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