Keep Calm: Traveling with a Large Group of Friends Made Easy

Group travelling on a bus

You know too well that friends make vacations and trips much lighter and more fun. You have some people whom you can share your experiences with. You will even have inside jokes and memories that all of you will treasure. But it is important to note that traveling with friends can pose some problems, especially if everyone has entirely different personalities and no one is willing to compromise. This can be settled easily, especially if you and your friends have some sort of an agreement before you go on the trip. But traveling with a large group of friends? Well, that may seem like a giant headache. That does not mean, however, that it is not possible. You can still have fun with a group of 10 friends when traveling.

It all boils down to planning. You have to make sure that your plan covers the most basic areas. You need to have a plan B, knowing that there are different personalities in the group. This may sound complicated, but you will have to ask for everybody’s participation. Here are some of the things that you need to keep in mind so that you will not lose your sanity when you travel with your friends:

Book the most appropriate lodging

The lodging is perhaps one of the most important areas of your large friend group’s trip. If you pick a hotel with lacking rooms and facilities, some of your friends will feel uncomfortable. When this happens, there can be conflicts and arguments. You also get to save time as far as bathrooms and toilets are concerned, as no one has to wait for too long for their turn. Convenient Bear Lake lodging, for instance, is sufficient for big groups.

Consider taking separate routes

You and your friends do not always have to go together all the time. Some of your friends might want to go that way, while you and the others might choose to go the other way. You should consider taking a separate route if it means efficiency.

Talk about splitting expenses

group of friends meeting in the city center. they are having fun with smart phones and walking together

When you have a lot of destinations to visit and restaurants to eat at, you might want to book all of these ahead of time. That way, things will be much more efficient, and time will not be wasted on waiting. Other than these, you will need to make sure that you and your friends have talked about splitting expenses. This will help you avoid conflicts and arguments. There should be even a person or two who will record all the expenses.

Delegate assignments

The organization of the entire trip should not be shouldered by one or two people only. You can ask your friends for help. For one, you may volunteer to create the itinerary for the first two days. Your other friends may choose to make the itinerary for other days.

Traveling with a large group of friends is something that you may want to do every once in a while. That way, you get to hone your social skills and know your friends much better. As the saying goes: the more, the merrier.

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