Pandemic Home Maintenance: DIY & Professional Repairs

home maintenance concept

Home repair needs are significantly increasing. The lockdowns in different areas forced a major shift in how we do our day-to-day operations. Many of us were forced to stay-at-home to limit the risk of transmitting the coronavirus.

Everything from schooling, working, and sometimes even grocery shopping had to be accomplished virtually. With everyone being at home for an extended period, house utilities are sure to experience far more wear and tear.

Repairs Are Needed

Although calls for many home service businesses fell significantly during the outbreak of COVID-19, this was largely due to the implemented health and safety guidelines. Couple this with the mass migration of people from urban cities to rural suburbs. Leaking sinks, broken washing machines, and faulty wiring ultimately prevailed.

So what did countless residents choose to do? Do-it-yourself repairs. The DIY approach to home maintenance increased during the pandemic. Whether people were concerned about the virus or their funds were tight, they picked up their own tools and fixed their homes the best way possible.

Can You Handle It Yourself?

DIY fixes are not all that bad. If the necessary repairs are minor, numerous step-by-step tutorial videos will help you sort it out. It also provides a good learning experience overall. Still, professionals would recommend caution when it comes to home maintenance.

Some damages can wait, especially those that are more concerned with convenience. The more extreme problems, like damaged pipes or smoke coming from electrical outlets, need immediate attention. For these types of situations, it would be best to contact experienced plumbers and electricians for emergencies.

Is It Safe to Call for Help?

It’s understandable why you would be hesitant to contact in-home services. Limiting the number of people that you interact with is the first step to mitigating the pandemic. However, you can’t ignore the fact that some repairs can actually be life-threatening for you or your family.

Fortunately, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is already one step ahead. They’ve provided some handy tips to put your worries at ease. All the steps for before, during, and after the visit of a service professional have been covered.

Necessary Steps for Pre-Service

Before contacting the service company, make sure to contact your local health department to see which essential and non-essential activities are permitted. For some areas, service professionals are considered essential workers, so it’s easier to schedule repairs.

Make sure that no one in your household is presenting any symptoms or has been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19. Service workers are worried about their health too. Take note of the vulnerable persons, like children and older adults, in the house as well. Those who have a higher risk of getting infected shouldn’t be inside the home while repairs are being made.

Necessary Steps During the Service

water damage

When the service provider arrives, assess whether they are showing any signs of sickness. If so, it would be best to ask for another professional or reschedule the service. They should also be wearing a mask and other necessary personal protective equipment before entering.

Avoid any physical greeting as well. Limit interactions, especially indoors, while they are conducting the repairs. Always maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from each other and save conversations for after the service. Prepare a spare mask in case the service provider gets their mask wet, dirty, or damaged.

It would also be helpful to open the windows in or near the area of concern. This will help to regulate and maximize ventilation. The professional should not unnecessarily interact with anybody or anything else inside your home as much as possible.

Necessary Steps for Post-Service

Once the service has been completed, always opt to pay using contactless options over the phone. If the company can only take cash or card, wash your hands thoroughly after paying the bill.

Don’t forget to clean and disinfect any surfaces that the service provider may have interacted with during their visit. All these measures might seem a little over-the-top, but it’s better to be safe than sorry in the end.

Sweet and Functional Home

Noticing some leaks and cracks around the house is bound to happen, especially with everyone being cooped up due to the pandemic. However, the strain that you are putting your house under is no small matter. The pandemic forced everyone to adapt accordingly.

Learning how to maintain a house yourself is an essential life skill. It’s good to get your hands dirty once in a while, but you also have to admit that some repairs are just too hazardous to do. Attempting to fix these problems might cost you more in damages than you were trying to prevent. It’s best to leave it to the professionals.

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