Signs and Causes of Foundation Problems

foundation contractors doing their work

Before you call your trusted foundation repair contractor in Denver or wherever you are, familiarize yourself with foundation problems. What are their early signs? Can you prevent them? Are they risky?

These problems are common among homeowners; nonetheless, they are never a good thing. If left unresolved, these problems can be risky and costly. Knowing their early signs is important because it will let you know if you should call for professional help.

Early signs of foundation problems

Foundation cracks

Perhaps the first thing you’d notice if there is an issue with the foundation is when you see cracks. When you find one, check the inside and outside walls of your house. If you find fractures on the wall or gaps between the foundation and the soil, chances are the latter is shifting and it’s affecting the foundation. Hairline cracks, though, do not automatically mean there is a foundation problem, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Windows and doors that won’t fit

If it’s getting more challenging for you to close or open your windows and doors, it could be a sign that the walls have started to pull away because of what’s happening underneath. In a similar manner, if these two seem too loose, a foundation issue may also cause it. There may also be gaps between the windows and the walls.

Uneven floor

The slanted floor is another sign that the soil beneath has shifted and your home’s foundation is affected. If you can feel that the floor is uneven while walking, check the rest of the structure. This is substantially noticeable in wooden floors because they may be warped or cracked. Concrete floors may have cracks, too, but it takes more time for them to show signs.

Causes of foundation problems

Poor preparation

broken foundation

The fill soil where the foundation is placed must be prepared well by compacting them. If the builders of the home failed to do this or haphazardly did it, it will result in foundation problems over time because the weight of the house presses down on the soil gradually. If the latter is not compact, it becomes uneven and the foundation is affected.

Water and soil type

 If the soil was compacted well but still resulted in foundation problems, it could be due to water and the soil type. Changes in season, particularly when there are extreme changes, also change the moisture underneath. These variations may cause contraction of the soil, which results in movement beneath the foundation. This is especially true for clay soil. If there are no extreme changes in the season, poor drainage and plumbing leak may also be the soil’s enemy.

Tree roots

If you have trees nearby and there’s a leaking pipe in your home, the roots of these trees may find its way to this water source. The roots could grow and may cause cracks, or they may grow into the already existing cracks, which aggravates the situation.


The sudden, violent movement of the tectonic plates underneath us may also compromise our home’s foundation. This holds true, especially for old homes, the ones that are not built to withstand an earthquake.

While the signs are obvious that your home has foundation problems, only a professional can tell you what to do. Your task is to note the signs you found that could indicate a foundation problem and tell the repair contractor about your observations.

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