The Positive Effects of Integrating Playing and Learning

kids at school clapping

The children are indeed our future. That’s why it’s vital for a child’s development and knowledge processing to integrate play and fun into their activities. Play begins as early as when a child interacts with objects around them. There are a lot of things that a child can learn through play. For example, they’ll learn to solve problems on their own by putting blocks into its proper shape, exploring new possibilities without the fear of committing a mistake, and practising their display of emotions linked into play such as fulfillment, joyfulness, and frustration.

Since playing is essential for the development of a child, is there any significance in putting this action into a classroom setting? Can schools that use outdoor shelters and play areas have an advantage over those that do not? Here are some of the benefits of integrating games and playtime in regular lessons or outdoor activities.

Increased Attention and Engagement

When teachers apply their lesson methodically into a play session, children will focus more and retain information better than when it is just taught with a blackboard or a pen. Children tend to be distracted at the slightest of things. Games will increase their interest in the subject matter; thus, encouraging them to participate in the activity.

More Social Interaction

kids playingIt’s a given that when a child plays, they won’t do it alone. For children, playing means having fun. What makes it more fun and exciting is the presence and participation of other kids inside the classroom. In this manner, a child will learn on their own how to behave appropriately. They will also be given a chance to exercise communication with other children.

Discovery of Learning Skills and Preferences

Each child is gifted with problem-solving abilities. Through games and fun activities, a teacher will notice how a child absorbs, retains, and applies information to solve a puzzle, a challenge or an obstacle course filled with riddles and questions. This data will prove to be essential later on, as it can guide them towards their passion.

Improved Retention

Just like how adolescent students would complain about the overload of information they’re required to absorb, children will eventually get stressed if lessons appear more of a task to accomplish. Since children ages 4-7 are inclined to think that play is a part of their daily routine, lessons won’t be retained effectively. Playtime increases the association of information presented and activities done inside the classroom. A child is more likely to remember the colour green if they know it’s used to identify the hue of leaves they picked from the playground during an outdoor activity.

There are a lot of things a child could discover if both their teachers and parents guide them. The collaboration should complement the child’s learning skill while improving their morale. A lot of factors are involved in a child’s development in terms of learning capabilities and their overall growth. Often, it is the environment that provides them with the avenue to explore and roll around the piled leaves of autumn-ripened colours to persuade them to count how many trees they see.

All of a child’s skills are put into test when interacting with the outdoors. The sedentary lifestyle that many children are exposed to right now does not stimulate their growth. It can positively affect them if a learning institution has outdoor shelters for schools to inspire them to discover what it’s like playing and learning under the sun.

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